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Translations for dress and their definitions

     1. v. To dress (a person), put on (clothes); to clothe.
           ~ joku hienoksi = to dress sb up.
           ~ joku + translative = to disguise as.
           ~ vaate päälle = to put a piece of clothing on.
     2. v. To become, suit.
           Tuo hattu pukee sinua.
             That hat becomes you.
           Kyyneleet eivät pue sinua.
             Tears don't suit you.

     1. n. A frock or a dress (female garment).

     1. v. (intransitive) to get dressed, dress (oneself), put one's clothes on; ~ (hienosti) = to dress up
     2. v. in the perfect tense: olla pukeutunut (+ illative) to wear, be dressed (in)
           Hän on pukeutunut frakkiin.
             He is wearing an evening dress.
     3. v. (intransitive) to disguise oneself as
           Hän pukeutui joulupukiksi.
             S/he disguised himself as Santa Claus.

     1. n. suit, dress
     2. n. attire, outfit
     3. n. As modifier in compound terms may also denote changing (of clothes), e.g. in pukukoppi, pukukoppi, changing cubicle or (m, fi, pukuhuone, pukuhuone, changing room, locker room).

     1. n. dress (woman's garment)

     1. v. to bind, tie, fasten.
     2. v. to bandage, to dress.

     1. v. To season (to flavour food with spices, herbs or salt).
     2. v. To spice (to add spice/spices to).
     3. v. To flavour/flavor (to add flavoring).
     4. v. To salt (to include colorful language).

     1. n. attire, dress, suit
     2. n. form, figure, shape, build, structure
     3. n. appearance, looks
     4. n. package, packaging (in advertising)
     5. n. wording, phrasing, discursive form
     6. v. present indicative connegative of asua
     7. v. second-person singular imperative of asua
     8. v. second-person singular imperative connegative of asua

     1. v. To like, be fond of.
           Minä pidän appelsiineista.
             I like oranges.
           ~ + elative enemmän (kuin + elative) = to prefer something (to something), be fonder of something than of something.
             Pidän omenoista enemmän kuin appelsiineista.
            : I prefer apples to oranges.
     2. v. To consider (to be), to assess, to see as
           Minä pidän ihmisiä vihamielisinä
             I consider people to be hostile.
     3. v. genitive + 3rd-pers. singular + infinitive = to have (to do); (in conditional mood) should (do), ought (to do), be supposed (to do), would have (to do).
           Sinun pitää mennä töihin.
             You have to go to work.
           Meidän pitäisi mennä töihin.
             We should go to work.
     4. v. To hold, grasp, grip.
           Minä voin pitää laukkuasi.
             I can hold your bag.
     5. v. To hold onto.
           Minä voin pitää laukustasi kiinni.
             I can hold onto your bag.
     6. v. To keep, take.
           Pidän tämän sisiliskon.
             I will keep this lizard.
     7. v. To keep (an animal).
           Korkeasaaressa pidetään monenlaisia eläimiä.
             Many types of animals are kept in Korkeasaari Zoo.
     8. v. Used in very many collocations with nouns, translated often into engage in, have, do, transact, pursue, conduct, carry out keep up, maintain, lead/teach etc.
           Hän piti kuulustelua syytetylle.
             S/he was conducting an interrogation of the accused.
           Pidän SAP-kurssia.
             I teach a SAP course.

     1. v. to get equipped or prepared

     1. v. To finish (to apply a final treatment to)

     1. v. to prepare oneself
           Oletko varautunut siihen?
             Have you prepared yourself for it?
     2. v. to be charged (to take on an electric charge)
           Onko akku jo varautunut?
             Has the battery already charged?

     1. n. plural of vaate

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