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The Finnish word for to drive is

to drive

Translations for to drive and their definitions

     1. n. energy, vigour

     1. drive

     1. n. eagerness, enthusiasm
           odottaa innolla (+ partitive) = to look forward to
     2. n. passion, fervour/fervor, ardour/ardor
     3. n. zeal, fanaticism

     1. n. will
           hyvä tahto

     1. n. motivation

     1. n. (slang) drive (self-motivation)
     2. n. (golf) drive (golf stroke)

     1. n. road, roadway, pavement
     2. n. (pihatie, i.e. only if the context indicates it's a private road leading to a building) driveway, (UK also: drive)

     1. n. driving
     2. n. chase

     1. driveway

     1. v. to strike, hit
     2. v. to attack
     3. v. to crack down (to enforce more stringently or more thoroughly)
           Viranomaiset yrittävät iskeä pyhien aikana rattijuopumukseen.
             The authorities are trying to crack down on drunk driving during the holidays.
     4. v. to hit on, flirt (to try to get someone romantically interested in oneself)

     1. n. desire
     2. n. urge, itch

     1. v. fourth infinitive of edetä in nominative
     2. n. progress, advancement

     1. n. state, position, situation
           Olen sellaisessa asemassa, että en voi kritisoida presidenttiä julkisesti.
             I am in such a position that I can not criticize the president publically.
     2. n. status (person’s position or standing relative to that of others)
           Upseerin rouvalla on kunnioitettu asema varuskuntakaupungissa.
             The wife of an officer has a respected status in a garrison town.
     3. n. station
             railway station
     4. n. (military) post
     5. n. (computing) drive

     1. n. use
           ottaa käyttöön
             put into use

     1. v. To motivate.

     1. n. herd (large group of land animals)
     2. n.    band (group of coyotes, etc.)
     3. n.    colony (group of ants)
     4. n.    flock (group sheep, etc.)
     5. n.    mob (group of kangaroos)
     6. n.    pack (group of dogs, etc.)
     7. n.    pride (group of lions)
     8. n.    bed (group of snakes)
     9. n. crowd, mob, flock (large uncontrolled group of people)
     10. n. pod (group of seals or hippopotami)

     1. n. way (by which to go/walk/move)
     2. n. road
     3. n. avenue
     4. n. path

     1. v. to drive, ride, travel in a vehicle, transport in a car
           ajaa autoa -- drive a car
           ajaa polkupyörällä -- ride a bike
           rekat ajavat hiekkaa -- the trucks are transporting sand
     2. v. several other forms of movement.
           ajaa kilpaa, ajaa rallia -- race (rally)
           ajaa yhteen -- collide
           ajaa yli -- run over
           ajaa puuhun -- crash into a tree
           ajaa karille -- run aground
           tykistö ajoi asemiin -- artillery took positions
     3. v. to drive away, chase, pursue, expel, deport.
           ajaa tiehensä, ajaa pois -- to chase away
           ajaa takaa -- chase, pursue
     4. v. to herd (animals) in a particular direction.
           ajaa karjaa -- to drive cattle
     5. v. to advocate certain idea
           ajaa jotain asiaa
           ajaa läpi -- to push through
     6. v. to force into a certain state.
           velat ajoivat yrityksen konkurssiin -- the debts bankrupted the company
     7. v. to operate a device
           ydinvoimala ajettiin alas huoltoa varten -- The nuclear power plant was shut down for maintenance.
           ajaa moottori sisään -- to break in an engine
     8. v. to run, execute (a computer program)
     9. v. to shave, cut
           ~ partansa = to shave (one's beard)
           ~ nurmikko = to cut grass.

     1. rush

     1. v. to steer, pilot, navigate, drive a vehicle (car, ship, airplane, etc.)
     2. v. to direct, guide, conduct, lead, channel a moving object, flowing substance, traffic, etc.
     3. v. to control, regulate a device, appliance, or system
     4. v. to show the way, give directions, show to somewhere, usher, direct, guide, lead
     5. v. to give information to, give instructions to, give directions to, tell someone what to do, counsel, instruct, guide, direct, tutor, mentor, encourage people, patients, employees, students, studies, tr
     6. v. to control, monitor, oversee, govern, steer, regulate, supervise, direct an activity, task, organization, operations (in general and medical operations), government authorities, the enforcement of (an
     7. v. to direct a play, film, etc.

     1. n. A thin, flat object of uniform thickness; a plate. (A thick plate may also be called laatta).
     2. n. A board, as a flat construction material supplied in sheets, such as chipboard, or a sheet of such material.
     3. n. A slab, as a thick, flat piece of material.
     4. n. A disk for storing data.
     5. n. A recording of a piece of music made on a disc, or a disc on which music is saved. If there's a need to be specific, a recording may also be called levytys.

     1. v. to herd, tend (animals); to shepherd (people)

     1. v. to rotate, roll, reel
           pyörittää silmiään = to roll one's eyes

     1. v. to hit, strike, knock
     2. v. to beat
           Löin rumpuja kovaa. (A wedge locks the propeller into the shaft.) - I beat the drums hard.
     3. v. to hurl, chuck, pitch, heave
     4. v. (intransitive) to crash (of waves); to flap (of a sail); to knock (of knees); to chatter (of teeth); to pound, beat (of a heart, rain); to beat (of an artery); to strike (of lightning; of time); to ri
     5. v. ~ rahaa = to mint/coin money.

     1. n. (computing) disk drive

     1. v.
     2. v. to transport
     3. v. to carry, convey
     4. v. to drive
           Kuljetan sinut kotiin.
             I'll drive you home.
     5. v. (sports) to dribble

     1. n. any route one can travel, especially one that is much used or important, such as a road or railway
     2. n. lane, a course designated for ships or aircraft; channel
     3. n. method or way to achieve something
     4. n. (dialect) big river, especially the river between Finland and Sweden, Väylä
     5. n. (nautical) fairway
     6. n. (golf) fairway
     7. n. (computing) bus

     1. v.
     2. v. to use, make use of‚ employ, apply, utilize, exploit, take advantage of, exert
           Kumpaa kättä käytät kirjoittaessasi?
             Which hand do you use when you write?
     3. v. to use, consume
           Kuinka paljon käytät alkoholia kuukaudessa?
             How much alcohol do you use per month?
     4. v. (chemistry) to ferment
           Älä käytä olutta liian pitkään.
             Don't ferment the beer too long.
     5. v. (colloquial) to take sb/sth somewhere temporarily, to have sb/sth visit
           Käytin lapsiani ulkona kaksi tuntia.
             I took my kids out for two hours.
           Olen käyttänyt häntä ehdottamallasi psykiatrilla.
             I have had her visit the shrink you suggested.

     1. v. to force, compel, coerce, make to do something

     1. v. (colloquial) To drive, convey.

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