The Finnish word for finger is

Translations for finger and their definitions
sormi | |
1. n. (anatomy) A finger (one of the five extremities of the hand). | |
Ihmiskädessä on viisi sormea: peukalo, etusormi, keskisormi, nimetön ja pikkusormi. | |
The human hand has five fingers: the thumb, the forefinger, the middle finger, the ring finger and the little finger. | |
2. n. A finger (extremity of an animal's forelimb, which resembles human finger). | |
3. n. A finger (any object which resembles a finger, such as a part of a mechanical device). |
näppi | |
1. n. The tips of the thumb and another finger or fingers pressed together. | |
Hän piti korua näpissään. | |
He held the jewel between his fingertips. | |
2. n. In plural only, fingertips, see: näpit. |
osoittaa | |
1. v. | |
2. v. to show (to indicate (a fact) to be true; to demonstrate) | |
3. v. to indicate (to show or manifest by symptoms) | |
Koe osoittaa hänen käyttäneen anabolisia steroideja. | |
The test indicates that he has used anabolic steroids. | |
4. v. to point (to extend the index finger in the direction of something) | |
5. v. to point (direct or encourage (someone) in a particular direction) | |
Jos hän pyytää ruokaa, osoita hänet jääkaapille. | |
If he asks for food, point him toward the refrigerator. | |
6. v. to point out (to identify with a bodily gesture) | |
7. v. to find (point out) | |
8. v. to direct (to aim at) | |
Hän osoitti kysymyksensä huoneelle yleisesti. | |
He directed his question to the room in general. | |
9. v. (mathematics) to prove (to demonstrate that something is true) | |
10. v. (sciences) with väärä, vääräksi, to falsify (to prove that something is false) | |
11. v. to direct (a letter etc. to someone) | |
Tämä kirje on osoitettu sinulle. | |
This letter is to you. | |
Kenelle osoitan tämän kirjeen? | |
To whom shall I direct this letter? | |
12. v. to demonstrate (to show the steps taken to create a logical argument or equation) | |
13. v. to exhibit (demonstrate) | |
14. v. to approve (demonstrate) | |
15. v. to manifest (to make clear or evident, prove) |
puikko | |
1. n. peg | |
2. n. stick | |
3. n. short for neulepuikko, , knitting needle |
sormeilla | |
1. v. To finger. |
tilkka | |
1. n. A small amount of liquid; dribble, dash, drop. |
sorminäppäryys | |
1. n. sleight of hand, legerdemain, prestidigitation (digital dexterity) |
näyttää | |
1. v. to show, present | |
Näyttäisittekö henkilöllisyystodistuksenne? | |
Would you please show your ID? | |
2. v. (intransitive, with active participle) to seem to do, appear to do, (to do = active present participle singular in genitive, -van/-vän; to have done = active past participle singular in genitive, -(n) | |
Jotenkin hän ei vain näytä nauttivan lomastaan. | |
Somehow she just doesn't seem to enjoy her holiday. | |
Jotenkin hän ei vain näytä nauttineen lomastaan. | |
Somehow she just doesn't seem to have enjoyed her holiday. | |
3. v. (intransitive, with siltä, että) to look like, to look as if, to seem, appear | |
Näyttää siltä, että olen kiintynyt sinuun. | |
It looks like I'm stuck with you. | |
Näyttää siltä, että kohta sataa. | |
It looks as if it’s going to rain soon. | |
It seems it's going to rain soon. | |
4. v. (+ ablative) to look (to give an appearance of being) | |
Tuo maalaus näyttää hyvältä. | |
That painting looks nice. | |
5. v. (+ ablative) to look like, resemble (to be similar in appearance to) | |
Joidenkin mielestä strutsit näyttävät emuilta, mutta ne ovat vain kaukaisia sukulaisia. | |
Ostriches look like emus to some people, but they are only distantly related. |
tikku | |
1. n. splinter | |
2. n. sliver | |
3. n. chip (of wood) | |
4. n. stick |
näpelöidä | |
1. v. To finger. |
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