The Finnish word for fire is

Translations for fire and their definitions
tuli | |
1. n. fire (also from firearms) | |
leikkiä tulella | |
to play with fire | |
2. n. campfire | |
3. v. third-person singular indicative past of tulla |
laukaista | |
1. v. To fire (a gun). | |
2. v. To launch (a rocket). | |
3. v. To trigger. |
erottaa | |
1. v. to separate | |
2. v. to divide | |
3. v. to fire, force out, expel | |
4. v. to tell apart, differentiate, distinguish |
antaa potkut | |
1. v. To fire (to terminate the employment of). |
ampua | |
1. v. To shoot (+ partitive = wounding; + genitive-accusative = killing). | |
Ammuin sinua. | |
2. v. * I shot (and wounded) you. | |
Ammuin sinut. | |
3. v. * I shot (and killed) you. |
aktivoida | |
1. v. To activate. |
valaista | |
1. v. | |
2. v. to light, illuminate | |
3. v. to shed light on, illuminate, clear, clear up, elucidate (to make clear) | |
Uudet laitteet valaisevat hieman näiden kallioiden historiaa. | |
The new instruments will shed some light on the history of these rocks. | |
Toivomme, että arkistojen avautuminen valaisee muutamia historian hämäriä kohtia. | |
We hope that the opening of the archives will shed light on some obscure episodes in history. | |
4. n. elative plural form of valas |
laukoa | |
1. v. to fire, shoot, repeatedly | |
2. v. to fire (to forcibly direct) | |
Hän vastasi toimittajien laukomiin kysymyksiin. | |
He answered the questions the reporters fired at him. |
polttaa | |
1. v. To burn. | |
Poltin paperinpalasen. | |
I burned a piece of paper. | |
2. v. To smoke (to deliberately inhale smoke from cigarettes, other tobacco products or some other substances such as marijuana) | |
Häiritseekö, jos poltan? | |
3. v. * Do you mind if I smoke? | |
Poltatteko? -Kyllä, poltan sikareita | |
4. v. * Do you smoke? -Yes, I smoke cigars. | |
5. v. (medicine) To cauterize. | |
6. v. (baseball) To put out. |
palo | |
1. n. fire (event of something burning, an occurrence of fire) | |
Jotkut kemikaalipalot ovat hankalia sammuttaa. | |
Some chemical fires are difficult to put out. | |
2. n. ardor (great warmth of feeling) | |
tunteen palo = fervor, passion (lit. fire of feeling) | |
3. n. (baseball) out | |
4. n. (cricket) dismissal |
syttyä | |
1. v. (of fire) to ignite, be ignited, catch fire (to commence burning) | |
Kuiva metsä syttyy helposti. | |
A dry forest catches fire easily. | |
Jätekasa syttyi hitsauskipinästä. | |
The garbage heap was ignited by a welding spark. | |
2. v. (of lights) to be turned on | |
Yhtäkkiä valot syttyivät. | |
Suddenly the lights were turned on. | |
3. v. to break out (to begin suddenly, especially of war or other unrest) | |
4. v. (figuratively) to become interested, enthuse |
sytyttää | |
1. v. To light, kindle, ignite, set on fire, set fire to, burn, inflame, set ablaze, torch | |
2. v. To ignite (to activate a spark plug in an internal combustion engine) | |
3. v. To switch on, turn on (the lights) | |
4. v. To turn on (to attract, give pleasure, or encourage) | |
5. v. To detonate, to trigger. | |
6. v. (colloquial) To grasp, comprehend, get it |
hehkua | |
1. v. (intransitive) | |
2. v. to glow | |
hehkua pimeässä — to glow in the dark | |
hehkuva hymy — a glowing smile | |
metalli hehkui punaisena — the metal glowed red | |
3. v. to radiate light and warmth | |
4. n. partitive singular form of hehku |
tulitus | |
1. n. firing (action of firing) | |
2. n. fire (in-flight bullets or other projectiles shot from a gun) | |
Vihollisen tulitus esti meitä hyökkäämästä. | |
The fire from the enemy guns kept us from attacking. |
savustaa | |
1. v. To smoke (to preserve by treating with smoke). |
liesi | |
1. n. fire (stove) |
tulittaa | |
1. v. to fire, shoot (using a gun or other arms) |
lämmittää | |
1. v. | |
2. v. to warm, heat, heat up | |
3. v. to reheat (to heat food after it has cooled off) |
hella | |
1. n. range (for cooking) | |
2. n. oven |
kuumentaa | |
1. v. to heat (up) | |
2. v. third-person singular indicative present of kuumentaa |
tulipalo | |
1. n. destructive fire |
intohimo | |
1. n. Passion, fervour/fervor. |
lämmitin | |
1. n. A heater. | |
2. v. first-person singular indicative past of lämmittää |
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