The Finnish word for hail is

Translations for hail and their definitions
sataa rakeita | |
1. to hail |
tervehtiä | |
1. v. to greet | |
2. v. to salute | |
3. v. to give the time of day, to say hello (to acknowledge somebody; to give some respect or attention) | |
Jos et ole hänen mielestään kylliksi rikas, hän ei edes tervehdi sinua. | |
If he doesn't think you are rich enough, he won't even give you the time of day. | |
Hän on alkanut taas tervehtiä minua. | |
She's began to say hello to me again. |
rakeet | |
1. n. plural of rae |
raesade | |
1. n. hail, hailstorm |
kutsua | |
1. v. | |
2. v. (+ genitive-accusative) to invite | |
Kutsuin isän päivälliselle. | |
I invited my father for dinner. | |
3. v. (+ partitive) to beckon, call, call for summon (to shout out in order to summon) | |
Nojauduin ulos takaovesta ja kutsuin Lucya. | |
I leant out of the back door and called for Lucy. | |
Olkaa hyvä ja istuutukaa. Teitä kutsutaan sukunimellä. | |
Please have a seat. You will be called by the surname. | |
4. v. (+ partitive) to call, name, dub | |
Hänen alaisensa kutsuvat häntä epäkunnioittavasti vänrikki Nappulaksi. | |
His subordinates disrespectfully call him lieutenant Sonny Fuzz. | |
5. v. (+ partitive) to misname, dub (to call by a wrong name) | |
Hän kutsui minua Pertiksi, mutta en antanut sen haitata. | |
He misnamed me as Pertti, but I did not let it bother me. | |
6. v. (+ genitive-accusative) to call up (to select e.g. to a sports squad) | |
7. v. (+ genitive-accusative) ~ koolle, ~ kokoon: to muster (to collect, call or assemble together, such as troops or a group) | |
8. v. (+ genitive-accusative) ~ palvelukseen: to muster, call out (to enroll into service, to order into service) | |
Kuvernööri kutsui kansalliskaartin palvelukseen. | |
The Governor called out the National Guard. | |
9. v. (+ genitive-accusative) to hail, call out (to voice loudly in order to gain the attention of) | |
~ taksi: to hail a taxi, to call out a taxi |
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