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The Finnish word for hail is


Translations for hail and their definitions

sataa rakeita
     1. to hail

     1. v. to greet
     2. v. to salute
     3. v. to give the time of day, to say hello (to acknowledge somebody; to give some respect or attention)
           Jos et ole hänen mielestään kylliksi rikas, hän ei edes tervehdi sinua.
             If he doesn't think you are rich enough, he won't even give you the time of day.
           Hän on alkanut taas tervehtiä minua.
             She's began to say hello to me again.

     1. n. plural of rae

     1. n. hail, hailstorm

     1. v.
     2. v. (+ genitive-accusative) to invite
           Kutsuin isän päivälliselle.
             I invited my father for dinner.
     3. v. (+ partitive) to beckon, call, call for summon (to shout out in order to summon)
           Nojauduin ulos takaovesta ja kutsuin Lucya.
             I leant out of the back door and called for Lucy.
           Olkaa hyvä ja istuutukaa. Teitä kutsutaan sukunimellä.
             Please have a seat. You will be called by the surname.
     4. v. (+ partitive) to call, name, dub
           Hänen alaisensa kutsuvat häntä epäkunnioittavasti vänrikki Nappulaksi.
             His subordinates disrespectfully call him lieutenant Sonny Fuzz.
     5. v. (+ partitive) to misname, dub (to call by a wrong name)
           Hän kutsui minua Pertiksi, mutta en antanut sen haitata.
             He misnamed me as Pertti, but I did not let it bother me.
     6. v. (+ genitive-accusative) to call up (to select e.g. to a sports squad)
     7. v. (+ genitive-accusative) ~ koolle, ~ kokoon: to muster (to collect, call or assemble together, such as troops or a group)
     8. v. (+ genitive-accusative) ~ palvelukseen: to muster, call out (to enroll into service, to order into service)
           Kuvernööri kutsui kansalliskaartin palvelukseen.
             The Governor called out the National Guard.
     9. v. (+ genitive-accusative) to hail, call out (to voice loudly in order to gain the attention of)
           ~ taksi: to hail a taxi, to call out a taxi

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