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The Finnish word for hard is


Translations for hard and their definitions

     1. adj. hard (of an object, resistant to pressure)
     2. adj. hard, strict, harsh, severe, unfriendly, brutal (of behavior or character)
     3. adj. tough, hard (demanding a lot of effort to endure)
     4. adj. hard, heavy, severe, loud; very (having a high impact or influence)
           Älä soita niin kovaa!
             Don't play so loud!
           Radio on liian kovalla.
             The radio is too loud.
           Minulla on kova jano.
             I'm very thirsty.
     5. adj. live (of ammunition)
           Tappaja väitti, että hän ei tiennyt aseen olevan ladattu kovilla panoksilla.
             The killer claimed that he didn't know that the weapon had been loaded with live rounds.
     6. adj. high, ambitious, remarkable
           Heillä on kovat suunnitelmat - ensin valloitetaan Pohjoismaiden markkinat, sitten koko maailma.
             They have ambitious plans - first they will conquer the Nordic market, then the whole world.
           Pidän ilmapiiristä, mutta heidän hintansa ovat aika kovat.
             I like the atmosphere, but their prices are quite high.
     7. adj. eager, devoted
           Hän on kova kalamies.
             He's an eager fisherman.
           Hän on kova Kärppä-fani.
             He's a devoted fan of the Kärpät.
     8. adj. tough (rowdy or rough)
           Hän on kova kaveri.
             He is a tough guy.
     9. adj. hard, hardworking
           Hän on kova työmies.
             He's a hard worker.
     10. adj. excellent, great, well-known
           Alle kaksi tuntia on kova aika maratonilla.
             Less than two hours is an excellent time on a marathon.
           Niin, mutta olenkin kovassa kunnossa. Olen kova nimi urheilupiireissä.
             Yes, but I'm in a great shape. I'm a well-known name in the sports circles.
     11. adj. (physics) hard (of material: having the capability of being a permanent magnet)
     12. adj. (finance) unregulated, market-rate, unsubsidized, hard; special uses, see usexes:
           ~ valuutta : hard currency (globally traded currency that is expected to serve as a reliable and stable store of value)
           ~ raha : unsubsidized financing; especially as opposite to aravalaina, , type of subsidized loan for social housing
     13. adj. (of light) hard (intensive and creating disagreeable and abrupt contrasts in colour or shading)
     14. adj. (of water) hard (high on dissolved calcium and other minerals)
     15. adj. (phonetics) hard, unvoiced (pronounced without using the vocal cords)
     16. adj. (vulgar) hard (of a man, sexually aroused)
     17. adj. (pornography) hard, hardcore

     1. adj. Difficult, hard.

     1. adj. strong, able-bodied, brawny, burly, powerful (of e.g. a man)
     2. adj. strong (highly stimulating to the senses)
     3. adj. thick (of e.g. clothes, walls)

     1. adj. hard (demanding a lot of effort to endure)
     2. adj. intense (of high intensity)

     1. adv. hard
           Hän yritti kovasti.
             He tried hard.
     2. adv. a great deal, very much
           Hän piti hänen harrastuksistaan kovasti.
             He liked his hobbies very much.

     1. adj. harsh, hard, strict (person)
     2. adj. harsh, sharp, fierce (weather, winter)
     3. adj. barren, austere, desolate (landscape)

     1. adj. tight
     2. adj. taut

     1. adj. partitive singular form of kova
     2. adv. In a manner described by the adjective kova in the senses fast and loud.
           ajaa kovaa = to drive fast
           huutaa kovaa = to shout loud

     1. adv. tightly, fast

     1. adj. strong
     2. adj. (alcohol) hard
           väkevä alkoholijuoma: hard liquor
     3. adj. (biblical) mighty
     4. adj. potent
     5. adj. concentrated (not dilute)

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