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Translations for head and their definitions

     1. n. head (of an organism or organisation)
     2. n. end, tip (physical end)

     1. v.
     2. v. to direct
     3. v. to target, aim
     4. v. to head (to move in a specified direction)

     1. v. (intransitive) To go orienteering.

     1. n. chief
     2. n. head
     3. n. leader
     4. n. commander
     5. n. boss, manager

     1. n. spring (place where water emerges from the ground)
     2. n. (often in plural) source (collection of water on or under the surface of the ground in which a stream originates)
     3. n. source, origin (person, place or thing from which something comes or is acquired)
     4. n. source (reporter's informant)
     5. n. source (book, article, interviewee etc. referenced in a written work; an item in the bibliography of a written work)
     6. n. (electronics) source (one of the terminals of a field effect transistor)
     7. v. indicative present connegative of lähteä
           (Minä) en/ (Sinä) et/ Hän ei/ (Me) emme/ (Te) ette/ He eivät lähde.
              I/You/We/You/They don't / She/He doesn't leave.
     8. v. second-person singular imperative present of lähteä
     9. v. second-person singular imperative present connegative of lähteä
           Älä lähde!
              Don't leave!

     1. n. foam
     2. n. head (foam that forms on top of beer or other carbonated beverages)

     1. Prefix. Expressing opposition or contrast: counter-, anti-.
     2. Prefix. Expressing that something took place recently: new-, freshly, just, recently.
     3. Prefix. Expressing reciprocity: return

     1. n. blowjob

     1. v. To lead, take, show someone the way to.
           ~ vieraat olohuoneeseen = to take the guests into the living room.
     2. v. To guide, conduct, usher.
           ~ turistiryhmä kirkkoon = to guide/conduct a tour group to the church.
     3. v. To lead, make, get, induce.
           ~ joku harkitsemaan uudelleen = to get/induce someone to reconsider.
     4. v. To lead, direct; to supervise, superintend.
           ~ keskustelua = to direct a conversation.
           ~ puhetta = to chair (the session/meeting).
           ~ työntekoa = to supervise the job.
     5. v. to lead, command, be in command of, conduct.
           ~ orkesteria = to conduct an orchestra.
     6. v. To manage, run, be in charge of.
           ~ firmaa = to run a company/business.
     7. v. To conduct (e.g. electricity).
     8. v. To derive, trace back.
           ~ sana latinasta = to derive a word from Latin, trace a word back to its Latin origins.
     9. v. To deduce, conclude.
           ~ päätelmä todistusaineistosta = to draw/reach a conclusion / to deduce from the evidence.
     10. v. To prove.
     11. v. (intransitive) To lead to, result/end in.
           ~ onnettomuuteen = to result in an accident.

     1. n. The ear of a grain plant.

     1. n. A generally flat cover of a hole or a container such as a jar or a box; a lid or a top
     2. n. cover of a book
     3. n. (nautical) The deck of a ship.

     1. n. A rector, schoolmaster/schoolmistress, headmaster/headmistress.

     1. v.
     2. v. to cut, cut off, sever, split, disconnect
     3. v. to interrupt, cut short, break off
     4. v. to break (off) (e.g. a leg)
     5. v. to prune off, trim off, lop off
     6. v. to amputate
     7. v. ~ taival: to do/make a trip
           In that sense, used only with that noun.

     1. n. mind
     2. n. In certain expressions, short form of mielipide, , opinion.
           minun mielestäni... = according to my opinion... = I think that...
     3. n. As the first part of a compound signifies mental.
           mielikuva = image (lit. mental picture)
     4. n. As the first part of a compound signifies favorite.
           mieliruoka = favorite dish
     5. v. third-person singular indicative past of mieliä
     6. v. indicative present connegative of mieliä
     7. v. second-person singular imperative present of mieliä
     8. v. second-person singular imperative present connegative of mieliä

     1. n. (colloquial) junkie

     1. n. A blade of an oar or propeller.
     2. n. (anatomy) A shoulder of a horse or other animal or, dialectally, of a man.
     3. v. indicative present connegative of lappaa
     4. v. second-person singular imperative present of lappaa
     5. v. second-person singular imperative present connegative of lappaa

     1. v. to stop, halt
           Häntä ei pysäytä mikään ennen kuin hän on tuhonnut vihollisensa.
             He will stop at nothing to destroy his enemies.
     2. v. to thwart, halt.
           Poliisi pysäytti mahdollisen murhaajan.
             The police thwarted the would-be assassin.

     1. Prefix. main, head, prime, primary, principal, leading

     1. n. toilet

     1. n. stem
     2. n. opinion, point of view (attitude, opinion, or set of beliefs)
     3. n. heel (part of a sole of a shoe, especially a low one; a high heel is usually called korko)
           olla kannoilla = to heel
     4. n. (microbiology) strain
     5. n. (biology) population

saada alkunsa
     1. v. to come into being (to form; to start to exist)
           Sosiologit haluaisivat tutkia, kuinka tämä ilmiö sai alkunsa.
             Sociologists would like to study how this phenomenon came into being.
           Me ihmiset saimme todennäköisesti alkumme Afrikassa.
             We, the mankind, probably came into being in Africa.

     1. n. plural of joukko
     2. n. accusative plural form of joukko
     3. n. troops

     1. n. majority, main part (most in a given group)
           Pääosa ihmisistä pitää enemmän auringonpaisteesta kuin sateesta lomalla.
             Majority of people prefer sunshine to rain when they are on vacation.
     2. n. (drama) leading role, lead role

     1. Prefix. front, fore-

     1. n. (colloquial) toilet (room or seat)
           vetää ~ : to flush the toilet

     1. n. top (uppermost part of anything)

     1. n. plural of voima

     1. n. leader, commander
     2. n. manager, director

     1. v. to command

     1. n. head (headmaster, headmistress)

     1. n. point, tip, cusp (sharp point or pointed end)
     2. n. lead (the state of being ahead in a race; the highest score in a game in an incomplete game)

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