The Finnish word for heart is

Translations for heart and their definitions
sydän | |
1. n. heart | |
2. n. core | |
reaktorisydän, reaktorisydän, nuclear reactor core, reactor core | |
3. n. wick (of a candle) |
ydin | |
1. n. core, the central part of something | |
2. n. core, point, essential content, essence; often with the genitive of asia (matter, topic) | |
päästä asian ytimeen = to get to the point | |
3. n. (geology) core | |
Maapallon ydin jaetaan sisäytimeen ja ulkoytimeen. | |
The Earth's core is divided into the inner core and the outer core. | |
4. n. (computing) core, an individual computer processor | |
Tämä ohjelma käyttää kaikkia ytimiä. | |
This application uses all the cores. | |
5. n. (computing) kernel | |
Linux viittaa Linux-ydintä käyttävien Unixin kaltaisten käyttöjärjestelmien perheeseen. | |
Linux refers to the Linux kernel used by the Unix-like family of operating systems. | |
6. n. (physics) nucleus | |
Atomiydin on atomin keskellä sijaitseva protoneista ja yleensä myös neutroneista koostuva muodostuma. | |
The nucleus is the region consisting of protons and usually neutrons at the center of an atom. | |
7. n. (anatomy) special uses such as in luuydin, , bone marrow, m, fi, selkäydin, , spinal cord | |
8. n. (botany) pith (soft spongy substance in the center of the stems of many plants and trees) | |
9. n. As a former part of compound (ydin-) signifies nuclear, core. | |
ydinfysiikka = nuclear physics | |
ydinperhe = nuclear family |
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