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The Finnish word for to hit is

to hit

Translations for to hit and their definitions

     1. n. hit, blow
     2. n. impact
     3. n. attentat, attack, strike, raid

     1. v. to strike, hit
     2. v. to attack
     3. v. to crack down (to enforce more stringently or more thoroughly)
           Viranomaiset yrittävät iskeä pyhien aikana rattijuopumukseen.
             The authorities are trying to crack down on drunk driving during the holidays.
     4. v. to hit on, flirt (to try to get someone romantically interested in oneself)

     1. n. A hit.

     1. v. to hit, strike, knock
     2. v. to beat
           Löin rumpuja kovaa. (A wedge locks the propeller into the shaft.) - I beat the drums hard.
     3. v. to hurl, chuck, pitch, heave
     4. v. (intransitive) to crash (of waves); to flap (of a sail); to knock (of knees); to chatter (of teeth); to pound, beat (of a heart, rain); to beat (of an artery); to strike (of lightning; of time); to ri
     5. v. ~ rahaa = to mint/coin money.

     1. n. hit
           Sain kolme osumaa.
             I scored three hits.

     1. v. (intransitive) to go
     2. v. (intransitive) to go by
     3. v. (intransitive) to visit, go to (and return), attend (a place)
           Kävin eilen Madridissa.
             I visited Madrid yesterday.
           Milloin tulet käymään luonamme?
             When will you visit us?
           käydä kirkossa, sunnuntaijumalanpalveluksessa
             to attend church, the Sunday service.
           Tänään meidän pitää käydä kaupassa.
             We must go to the grocery store today.
           Odota hetki, käyn vessassa.
             Wait a moment while I go to the toilet.
     4. v. (intransitive) to go do
           Mennään käymään kahvilla.
             Let's go get some coffee.
           Osaako pikku-Pekka käydä itse kakalla?
             Is little Pekka able to go poo by himself?
     5. v. or label, fi, transitive, + accusative, depending on the completeness of the action: to go to school
           Käyn lukiota.
             I'm attending high school.
           Kävin lukion Jyväskylässä.
             I went to high school in Jyväskylä.
           Kävin kaksi vuotta lukiota.
             I was in high school for two years.
     6. v. (intransitive) to happen, go (with the subject it)
           Miten siinä kävi (sinulle)?
             How did it go (for you)?
     7. v. (genitive + 3rd-pers. sg. + an adverb) to happen (to somebody)
           Minun kävi huonosti.
             Things went badly for me.
     8. v. (an adjective in partitive singular, or mitä in a question + 3rd-pers. sg. + allative) to happen (to something)
           Mitä sinun jaloillesi on käynyt?
             What has happened to your feet?
     9. v. (intransitive) to please, suit, make content, be okay (with)
           Meidän siitä tapaamisesta, miten sinulle kävisi sunnuntai?
             About our meeting, would Sunday work for you?
           Minulle käy se hyvin.
             I am okay with that.
     10. v. (intransitive) to pass (for)
           Tämä varmaan käy ruoasta.
             This could probably pass for food.
     11. v. (intransitive) to run, operate, work
           Moottori käy.
             The motor is running.
     12. v. (intransitive) to get, grow, become
           Vaikeudet kävivät hänelle liian suuriksi.
             The difficulties got too big for her.
     13. v. (intransitive) to ferment, become fermented, yeast
     14. v. (intransitive) to step, tread, pace, stride
     15. v. Used in very many collocations with nouns and with more or less idiomatic value, translated often into engage in, have, do, transact , pursue, keep up, maintain etc.
           käydä kauppaa: to transact, do business
           käydä keskustelua: to have a conversation
           käydä neuvotteluja: to have a conversation
           käydä vuoropuhelua: to engage in, maintain a dialogue

     1. n. run (act of running)
     2. n. run (pace faster than a walk)
     3. n. (athletics) running (activity of running as a form of exercise or as a sport)
           Juoksu on hyvää harjoitusta.
             Running is good exercise.
     4. n. (construction) plate, wall plate (piece of timber laid horizontally in or on a wall as a support for a girder, rafter, or joist)

     1. n. (of a book, song, movie, any product, etc.) Hit, success.

     1. v. To murder.

     1. n. portion
     2. n. serving
     3. n. dose

     1. v. (intransitive) to come
           Hän tulee.
             She comes.
     2. v. (intransitive) to become, get, go, turn
           Hänestä tuli rikas.
             She became rich.
           He tulivat hulluiksi.
             They went crazy.
     3. v. (intransitive) to have to do, be to do, should do, be supposed to do
           Minun tulee tehdä tämä huomiseksi.
             I have to do this by tomorrow.
     4. v. (intransitive) Auxiliary verb for emphasized future tense. Usually, the nonpast tense should be used instead of this.
           Nimeni on Tapani ja tapani tulette tuntemaan.
             My name is Tapani and you will learn my manners.
     5. v. (intransitive) Auxiliary verb for passive voice.
           Hän tuli valituksi.
             He was chosen.
           Tapa tai tule tapetuksi.
             Kill or be killed.
     6. v. (intransitive) to cum, orgasm
     7. v. (intransitive) to manage to do (more or less unintentionally), succeed in doing (more or less unintentionally)
           Hän tuli tehneeksi pahan virheen.
             She managed to do a big mistake.

     1. v. To complicate, make difficult.

     1. v. to damage
     2. v. to harm, to injure (to cause injury to another; to hurt; to cause damage to something)
     3. v. to prejudice (to have a negative impact on someone's position, chances etc.)
     4. v. to maul (to handle someone or something in a rough way; to savage)
     5. v. to deface (to damage something in a visible or conspicuous manner)
     6. v. to hit (to affect negatively)
     7. v. (legal) to damnify (to cause loss or injury)
     8. v. (medicine) to affect (of a disease, to harm a part of the body)

     1. v. (intransitive) To go.

     1. n. success (achievement of one's aim or goal)

     1. v. To kill, slay.
           Hänet tapettiin.
             He was killed.

     1. n. (colloquial) ratio, round, hit

     1. v. to hamper, hinder, impede
           Ei se haittaa!
             No problem! (Literally: It does not hinder!)

     1. v. (intransitive) To drop by
           Laskeuduttuamme takaisin maanpinnalle päätimme pistäytyä talon pikkuisessa myymälässä.
             After we had landed back on the surface, we decided to drop by the house's tiny shop.

     1. n. partitive plural form of kärsä
     2. v. (intransitive) To suffer from, endure.
           Lapset kärsivät nälänhädästä.
             The children suffer from famine.
     3. v. To suffer, experience, undergo (something negative = genitive-accusative).
           Joukkue kärsi tappion.
             The team suffered a defeat.

     1. n. A small piece of paper, textile etc.
     2. n. A tag, label.

     1. n. (slang) Drug-induced trip.
     2. n. (slang) Juice in a small box, commonly in the amount of 2dl.

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