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The Finnish word for keyboard is


Translations for keyboard and their definitions

     1. n. keyboard (set of keys used to operate a typewriter, computer etc).
     2. n. keypad (small board with keys primarily used for tactile input into a machine).

     1. v. to write
     2. v. to spell
           kirjoittaa väärin
             to misspell
           Kuinka kirjoitetaan ”onomatopoeettinen”?
             How do you spell ‘onomatopoeic’?
     3. v. ~ + a subject at the Finnish lukio = to take an examination in
           Kirjoitin englannin/biologian/saksan/matematiikan viime keväänä.
             I took an examination in English/biology/German/mathematics last spring.
     4. v. (intransitive) ~ ylioppilaaksi = to take/pass the matriculation examination, graduate (from the Finnish lukio)
     5. v. To type; a shorter form of konekirjoittaa

     1. n. keyboard (component of many musical instruments)

     1. v. To tap (with fingers).

     1. n. plural of kosketin

     1. n. (musici) A manual or keyboard of a musical instrument.

     1. v. To tap (to touch one's finger, foot, or other body parts on a surface, usually repeatedly).
           Hän oli niin hermostunut, että alkoi naputtaa pöytää sormillaan.
             He was so nervous he began to tap his fingers on the table.
     2. v. To make a sharp noise.
           Tuulessa huojuva puu alkoi naputtaa ikkunaan.
             The tree, swaying in the breeze, began to tap on the window pane.
     3. v. (colloquial) To type.
     4. v. (colloquial) To nag.

     1. v. To pluck (to gently play a single string, e.g. on a guitar).
     2. v. To type on a keyboard.

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