The Finnish word for keyboard is

Translations for keyboard and their definitions
näppäimistö | |
1. n. keyboard (set of keys used to operate a typewriter, computer etc). | |
2. n. keypad (small board with keys primarily used for tactile input into a machine). |
kirjoittaa | |
1. v. to write | |
2. v. to spell | |
kirjoittaa väärin | |
to misspell | |
Kuinka kirjoitetaan ”onomatopoeettinen”? | |
How do you spell ‘onomatopoeic’? | |
3. v. ~ + a subject at the Finnish lukio = to take an examination in | |
Kirjoitin englannin/biologian/saksan/matematiikan viime keväänä. | |
I took an examination in English/biology/German/mathematics last spring. | |
4. v. (intransitive) ~ ylioppilaaksi = to take/pass the matriculation examination, graduate (from the Finnish lukio) | |
5. v. To type; a shorter form of konekirjoittaa |
koskettimisto | |
1. n. keyboard (component of many musical instruments) |
naputella | |
1. v. To tap (with fingers). |
koskettimet | |
1. n. plural of kosketin |
sormio | |
1. n. (musici) A manual or keyboard of a musical instrument. |
naputtaa | |
1. v. To tap (to touch one's finger, foot, or other body parts on a surface, usually repeatedly). | |
Hän oli niin hermostunut, että alkoi naputtaa pöytää sormillaan. | |
He was so nervous he began to tap his fingers on the table. | |
2. v. To make a sharp noise. | |
Tuulessa huojuva puu alkoi naputtaa ikkunaan. | |
The tree, swaying in the breeze, began to tap on the window pane. | |
3. v. (colloquial) To type. | |
4. v. (colloquial) To nag. |
näppäillä | |
1. v. To pluck (to gently play a single string, e.g. on a guitar). | |
2. v. To type on a keyboard. |
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