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Translations for note and their definitions

panna merkille
     1. v. to remark, notice, take note of

     1. n. note
           tehdä muistiinpanoja: to take notes
     2. n. jotting

     1. n. crib sheet, cheat sheet
     2. n. palm card (card listing items to be discussed in a speech or presentation)

     1. v.
     2. v. to notice, take notice, take note, note, see
     3. v. to realise/realize, become aware of, detect
     4. v. to find, discover, realise/realize
     5. v. to pay attention to
     6. v. to be considerate
           Mähönen huomasi tarjota isälle.
             Mähönen was considerate enough to serve the father.

     1. n. reminder, note

     1. v. (finance) to quote (to name the current price of a financial security)
     2. v. (colloquial) to pay attention to, notice, note (to notice with care)
           Hän ei noteeraa minua lainkaan.
             She doesn't notice me at all.

     1. v. (music) to note (to set down in musical characters)

     1. n. (music) note

     1. n. mark, sign
           Dollarin merkki tarkoittaa eri asioita eri ohjelmointikielissä.
             The dollar sign denotes different things in different programming languages.
     2. n. character
     3. n. symbol (character, glyph or material object representing an idea, concept or object)
           $ on dollarin merkki USA:ssa ja joissakin muissa maissa.
             $ is the symbol for dollars in the US and some other countries.
     4. n. circumstance
           Toivonkin että tapaamme pian haastattelun merkeissä.
             I hope that we will meet soon under the circumstances of an interview.

     1. v. to mark, check off, tick off, tag, stamp, brand
     2. v. to subscribe (a share)
     3. v. to write down, mark down, note down, make a note
     4. v. to mean, denote
     5. v. to indicate, mark, be a sign of, signify, symbolize
     6. v. (accounting) to enter, book, record

     1. n. attention
           kiinnittää huomiota = to pay attention
     2. n. account
           ottaa huomioon = to take into account
     3. n. point
           Hyvä huomio! = Good point!
     4. n. observation
           Tein huomioita turistien käyttäytymisestä. = I made observations on the tourists' behaviour.
     5. interj. (military) attention!

     1. n. message
     2. n. (athletics) relay, relay race
     3. n. (military) signal corps
     4. v. third-person singular indicative past of viestiä
     5. v. indicative present connegative of viestiä
     6. v. second-person singular imperative present of viestiä
     7. v. second-person singular imperative present connegative of viestiä

     1. n. A key of music keyboard.
     2. v. first-person singular indicative past of koskettaa

     1. v. To comment.

     1. n. note (diplomatic missive)

     1. n. (finance) promissory note, note (written or printed paper acknowledging a debt, and promising payment)
     2. n. (finance, informal) IOU

     1. n. reputation
     2. n. prestige, renown, fame
     3. n. (linguistics) predicate

     1. n. melody, tune
     2. n. note
     3. n. tone

     1. v. To mean.
           Mitä se tarkoittaa?
             What does it mean?
     2. v. third-person singular present indicative of tarkoittaa

     1. n. perception
     2. n. observation

     1. v. To point out, remark.
     2. v. To remind.
     3. v. To give a formal notification.

     1. v. To assign.
     2. v. To name, dub, designate.

     1. v. to choose, select, elect
     2. v. indicative present connegative of valittaa
     3. v. second-person singular imperative present of valittaa
     4. v. second-person singular imperative present connegative of valittaa

     1. v. To specify, determine, define, set.
     2. v. To diagnose (a disease).
     3. v. To qualify, modify.

     1. v.
     2. v. to show (to indicate (a fact) to be true; to demonstrate)
     3. v. to indicate (to show or manifest by symptoms)
           Koe osoittaa hänen käyttäneen anabolisia steroideja.
             The test indicates that he has used anabolic steroids.
     4. v. to point (to extend the index finger in the direction of something)
     5. v. to point (direct or encourage (someone) in a particular direction)
           Jos hän pyytää ruokaa, osoita hänet jääkaapille.
             If he asks for food, point him toward the refrigerator.
     6. v. to point out (to identify with a bodily gesture)
     7. v. to find (point out)
     8. v. to direct (to aim at)
           Hän osoitti kysymyksensä huoneelle yleisesti.
             He directed his question to the room in general.
     9. v. (mathematics) to prove (to demonstrate that something is true)
     10. v. (sciences) with väärä, vääräksi, to falsify (to prove that something is false)
     11. v. to direct (a letter etc. to someone)
           Tämä kirje on osoitettu sinulle.
             This letter is to you.
           Kenelle osoitan tämän kirjeen?
             To whom shall I direct this letter?
     12. v. to demonstrate (to show the steps taken to create a logical argument or equation)
     13. v. to exhibit (demonstrate)
     14. v. to approve (demonstrate)
     15. v. to manifest (to make clear or evident, prove)

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