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The Finnish word for paper is


Translations for paper and their definitions

     1. n. paper
     2. n. document
     3. n. (informal) In the plural paperit: ID

     1. n. birchbark (bark of a birch tree)
     2. n. (informal) money, cash
             for example repiä tuohta ; to earn money
     3. v. third-person singular indicative past of tuohia
     4. v. indicative present connegative of tuohia
     5. v. second-person singular imperative present of tuohia
     6. v. second-person singular imperative present connegative of tuohia

     1. n. (navigation) A course (direction of movement of a vessel at any given moment).
           Laiva muutti kurssiaan 15 astetta etelään päin.
             The ship changed its course 15 degrees towards south.
     2. n. A class, course (period of learning).
           Minun pitää mennä ranskan kurssille.
             I need to take a French course.
     3. n. (finance) A rate, exchange rate.
           Mikä on Yhdysvaltain dollarin kurssi tänään?
             What is the exchange rate of the US dollar today?

     1. v. To paper (to apply paper to).

     1. n. raportti
     2. n. A report

     1. n. matter, material, substance
     2. n. subject (particular area of study, especially one thought in a school)
           Hänen lempiaineensa on fysiikka.
             Her favorite subject is physics.
     3. n. essay (written composition of moderate length exploring a particular issue or subject, especially on written as part of one's schoolwork)

     1. n. A publication.

     1. adj. papery (being like paper)
     2. adj. bookish (characterized by a method of expression generally found in books)

     1. v. to wallpaper, to paper (to apply wallpaper to)

     1. n. A small box, case or carton
           tulitikkuaski = matchbox

     1. n. treatise (formal, systematic discourse on some subject)
     2. n. study (artwork made in order to practise or demonstrate a subject or technique)
     3. n. thesis (written essay, especially one submitted for a university degree)

     1. n. research
     2. n. examination
     3. n. investigation
     4. n. study
     5. n. exploration
     6. n. inquiry
     7. n. inquest
     8. n. trial

     1. n. An article (story, report, or opinion piece).
     2. n. An article (object). Rarely alone, used mostly in compound words:
           myyntiartikkeli = sales article
     3. n. (grammar) An article (part of speech).
           määräinen artikkeli = a definite article. Also (more rarely) määräävä or määrätty artikkeli.
           epämääräinen artikkeli = an indefinite article.

     1. n. An oral presentation or a lecture, especially one given at a learning institution to demonstrate the level of knowledge of the speaker.

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