The Finnish word for paper is

Translations for paper and their definitions
paperi | |
1. n. paper | |
2. n. document | |
3. n. (informal) In the plural paperit: ID |
tuohi | |
1. n. birchbark (bark of a birch tree) | |
2. n. (informal) money, cash | |
for example repiä tuohta ; to earn money | |
3. v. third-person singular indicative past of tuohia | |
4. v. indicative present connegative of tuohia | |
5. v. second-person singular imperative present of tuohia | |
6. v. second-person singular imperative present connegative of tuohia |
kurssi | |
1. n. (navigation) A course (direction of movement of a vessel at any given moment). | |
Laiva muutti kurssiaan 15 astetta etelään päin. | |
The ship changed its course 15 degrees towards south. | |
2. n. A class, course (period of learning). | |
Minun pitää mennä ranskan kurssille. | |
I need to take a French course. | |
3. n. (finance) A rate, exchange rate. | |
Mikä on Yhdysvaltain dollarin kurssi tänään? | |
What is the exchange rate of the US dollar today? |
paperoida | |
1. v. To paper (to apply paper to). |
raportti | |
1. n. raportti | |
2. n. A report |
aine | |
1. n. matter, material, substance | |
2. n. subject (particular area of study, especially one thought in a school) | |
Hänen lempiaineensa on fysiikka. | |
Her favorite subject is physics. | |
3. n. essay (written composition of moderate length exploring a particular issue or subject, especially on written as part of one's schoolwork) |
julkaisu | |
1. n. A publication. |
paperinen | |
1. adj. papery (being like paper) | |
2. adj. bookish (characterized by a method of expression generally found in books) |
tapetoida | |
1. v. to wallpaper, to paper (to apply wallpaper to) |
aski | |
1. n. A small box, case or carton | |
tulitikkuaski = matchbox |
tutkielma | |
1. n. treatise (formal, systematic discourse on some subject) | |
2. n. study (artwork made in order to practise or demonstrate a subject or technique) | |
3. n. thesis (written essay, especially one submitted for a university degree) |
tutkimus | |
1. n. research | |
2. n. examination | |
3. n. investigation | |
4. n. study | |
5. n. exploration | |
6. n. inquiry | |
7. n. inquest | |
8. n. trial |
artikkeli | |
1. n. An article (story, report, or opinion piece). | |
2. n. An article (object). Rarely alone, used mostly in compound words: | |
myyntiartikkeli = sales article | |
3. n. (grammar) An article (part of speech). | |
määräinen artikkeli = a definite article. Also (more rarely) määräävä or määrätty artikkeli. | |
epämääräinen artikkeli = an indefinite article. |
esitelmä | |
1. n. An oral presentation or a lecture, especially one given at a learning institution to demonstrate the level of knowledge of the speaker. |
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