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The Finnish word for pigeon is


Translations for pigeon and their definitions

     1. n. pigeon, dove (bird of the family Columbidae)
     2. n. pigeon (bird of the genus Columba within that family)
     3. n. (politics) dove (person favouring conciliation and negotiation rather than conflict)

     1. n. victim
     2. n. mark, stiff, pigeon, patsy ‎ (person who is deceived)
     3. n. sacrifice, offering (something sacrificed)
     4. n. casualty ‎ (person suffering from injuries or who has been killed due to an accident or through an act of violence)
     5. n. martyr (one who suffers greatly and/or constantly)
           Stan on niveltulehduksen uhri, Chris Stanin loputtoman valituksen uhri.
             Stan is a martyr to arthritis, Chris a martyr to Stan's endless moaning about it.

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