The Finnish word for to point is

Translations for to point and their definitions
kärki | |
1. n. point, tip, cusp (sharp point or pointed end) | |
2. n. lead (the state of being ahead in a race; the highest score in a game in an incomplete game) |
osoittaa | |
1. v. | |
2. v. to show (to indicate (a fact) to be true; to demonstrate) | |
3. v. to indicate (to show or manifest by symptoms) | |
Koe osoittaa hänen käyttäneen anabolisia steroideja. | |
The test indicates that he has used anabolic steroids. | |
4. v. to point (to extend the index finger in the direction of something) | |
5. v. to point (direct or encourage (someone) in a particular direction) | |
Jos hän pyytää ruokaa, osoita hänet jääkaapille. | |
If he asks for food, point him toward the refrigerator. | |
6. v. to point out (to identify with a bodily gesture) | |
7. v. to find (point out) | |
8. v. to direct (to aim at) | |
Hän osoitti kysymyksensä huoneelle yleisesti. | |
He directed his question to the room in general. | |
9. v. (mathematics) to prove (to demonstrate that something is true) | |
10. v. (sciences) with väärä, vääräksi, to falsify (to prove that something is false) | |
11. v. to direct (a letter etc. to someone) | |
Tämä kirje on osoitettu sinulle. | |
This letter is to you. | |
Kenelle osoitan tämän kirjeen? | |
To whom shall I direct this letter? | |
12. v. to demonstrate (to show the steps taken to create a logical argument or equation) | |
13. v. to exhibit (demonstrate) | |
14. v. to approve (demonstrate) | |
15. v. to manifest (to make clear or evident, prove) |
näyttää | |
1. v. to show, present | |
Näyttäisittekö henkilöllisyystodistuksenne? | |
Would you please show your ID? | |
2. v. (intransitive, with active participle) to seem to do, appear to do, (to do = active present participle singular in genitive, -van/-vän; to have done = active past participle singular in genitive, -(n) | |
Jotenkin hän ei vain näytä nauttivan lomastaan. | |
Somehow she just doesn't seem to enjoy her holiday. | |
Jotenkin hän ei vain näytä nauttineen lomastaan. | |
Somehow she just doesn't seem to have enjoyed her holiday. | |
3. v. (intransitive, with siltä, että) to look like, to look as if, to seem, appear | |
Näyttää siltä, että olen kiintynyt sinuun. | |
It looks like I'm stuck with you. | |
Näyttää siltä, että kohta sataa. | |
It looks as if it’s going to rain soon. | |
It seems it's going to rain soon. | |
4. v. (+ ablative) to look (to give an appearance of being) | |
Tuo maalaus näyttää hyvältä. | |
That painting looks nice. | |
5. v. (+ ablative) to look like, resemble (to be similar in appearance to) | |
Joidenkin mielestä strutsit näyttävät emuilta, mutta ne ovat vain kaukaisia sukulaisia. | |
Ostriches look like emus to some people, but they are only distantly related. |
paikka | |
1. n. place, location, spot, site | |
2. n. area, region, locality, neighbourhood/neighborhood | |
3. n. space, room | |
4. n. scene (where something happens/has happened) | |
5. n. (politics) seat | |
Sosiaalidemokraateilla on eduskunnassa 36 paikkaa. | |
The Social Democrats have 36 seats in the Parliament. | |
6. n. (sports) berth (position on the field of play) | |
7. n. job, post, position | |
8. n. patch (on clothes) | |
9. n. (dentistry) filling; inlay | |
10. n. (colloquial) situation | |
11. n. (colloquial, in plural) parts, bones | |
Minulla on paikat kipeänä. | |
I'm sore all over. |
osoitella | |
1. v. To point (with a finger). |
näkökohta | |
1. n. point (opinion which adds to the discussion) |
niemi | |
1. n. cape (form of land near lake or sea), (gloss, small) peninsula, ness |
yksityiskohta | |
1. n. detail |
vaihde | |
1. n. gear (as in reverse gear) | |
2. n. (rail transport) switch | |
3. n. (communication) switch |
pilkku | |
1. n. comma (punctuation mark ,) | |
2. n. (mathematics) dot (symbol , used for separating the fractional part of a decimal number from the whole part) | |
3. n. spot, dot (small spot or mark) | |
4. n. (slang) hashish (cannabis extract) | |
5. n. (colloquial) last call |
piste | |
1. n. (typography) point, dot, full stop, period | |
2. n. (mathematics) point (zero-dimensional object) | |
3. n. point (particular location) | |
4. n. point (something tiny) | |
5. n. point (mark or stroke above a letter) | |
6. n. point (unit of scoring) | |
7. n. (typography) point (unit of font size or spacing) |
mieli | |
1. n. mind | |
2. n. In certain expressions, short form of mielipide, , opinion. | |
minun mielestäni... = according to my opinion... = I think that... | |
3. n. As the first part of a compound signifies mental. | |
mielikuva = image (lit. mental picture) | |
4. n. As the first part of a compound signifies favorite. | |
mieliruoka = favorite dish | |
5. v. third-person singular indicative past of mieliä | |
6. v. indicative present connegative of mieliä | |
7. v. second-person singular imperative present of mieliä | |
8. v. second-person singular imperative present connegative of mieliä |
puoli | |
1. adj. half | |
2. n. half | |
Kumman puolen haluat? | |
Which half do you want? | |
En saanut puoltakaan rahoistani takaisin. | |
I did not get back even half of my money. | |
3. n. side | |
Tämä puoli ylöspäin. | |
This side up. | |
Hänellä on pimeä puolensa. | |
He has his dark side. | |
4. n. aspect, facet, feature | |
Asiassa on monta puolta. | |
There are many aspects in this issue. | |
Mitä hyviä puolia sinussa on? . | |
What are your best features? | |
5. n. huono ~ : drawback |
piikki | |
1. n. A spike | |
2. n. A peak | |
3. n. A tine (spike or point on an implement or tool, especially a prong of a fork or a tooth of a comb) | |
4. n. A spindle (upright spike for holding papers) | |
5. n. A tab, slate (a record of money owed) |
kymmenys | |
1. n. tithe (tax collected for clergy) |
kiila | |
1. n. wedge | |
2. n. (heraldry) pile |
rahtu | |
1. n. A very small amount of something, a jot, an iota. Normally used only in the idiom ei rahtuakaan (not at all, not the slightest bit). |
ilmansuunta | |
1. n. A compass point or point. |
desimaalipilkku | |
1. n. decimal point |
hitunen | |
1. n. A very small amount of something, a jot, an iota. |
pointti | |
1. n. (colloquial) point |
täplä | |
1. n. spot, speck |
vaihe | |
1. n. A phase, stage, point, period. | |
2. n. (mathematics) phase (of a wave, moon, planet) | |
3. n. stage (of a rocket) |
järki | |
1. n. reason (ability to think). | |
2. n. sense (meaning, reason, or value of something). | |
Siinä ei ole mitään järkeä. | |
It doesn't make any sense. | |
3. n. sense (sound practical judgment). | |
terve järki = common sense |
nokka | |
1. n. beak, bill, rostrum (anatomical structure of birds) | |
2. n. beak (any beaklike object) | |
3. n. (pejorative) beak (human nose) | |
4. n. spout, lip (channel through which a liquid is poured from a container) | |
5. n. top, tip (the far end of many long objects); e.g. following objects may have a nokka: a pier, pole, crane, boom, stick and peninsula | |
6. n. ness (promontory, cape or headland; often used in place names) | |
Helsingin Katajanokan kaupunginosa on rakennettu 1800- ja 1900-lukujen vaihteessa jugend-tyyliin. | |
The Katajanokka area in Helsinki was built at the shift of 19th and 20th centuries in the art deco style. |
hetki | |
1. n. moment (particular point of time) | |
Missä olit sillä hetkellä, kun.. | |
Where were you at the moment when.. | |
2. n. moment, minute (brief, unspecified amount of time) | |
viime hetki | |
last minute | |
Työ vie vain hetken. | |
The job is just going to take a minute. | |
Hän kiinnostui vain hetkeksi, ja muutti sitten mielensä. | |
She was only interested for a minute, then changed her mind. | |
Saavun hetken päästä. | |
I will be there in a minute. | |
Tämä vie vain hetken ajastanne. | |
This will only take a minute of your time. |
niemimaa | |
1. n. (geography) peninsula |
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