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The Finnish word for to point is

to point

Translations for to point and their definitions

     1. n. point, tip, cusp (sharp point or pointed end)
     2. n. lead (the state of being ahead in a race; the highest score in a game in an incomplete game)

     1. v.
     2. v. to show (to indicate (a fact) to be true; to demonstrate)
     3. v. to indicate (to show or manifest by symptoms)
           Koe osoittaa hänen käyttäneen anabolisia steroideja.
             The test indicates that he has used anabolic steroids.
     4. v. to point (to extend the index finger in the direction of something)
     5. v. to point (direct or encourage (someone) in a particular direction)
           Jos hän pyytää ruokaa, osoita hänet jääkaapille.
             If he asks for food, point him toward the refrigerator.
     6. v. to point out (to identify with a bodily gesture)
     7. v. to find (point out)
     8. v. to direct (to aim at)
           Hän osoitti kysymyksensä huoneelle yleisesti.
             He directed his question to the room in general.
     9. v. (mathematics) to prove (to demonstrate that something is true)
     10. v. (sciences) with väärä, vääräksi, to falsify (to prove that something is false)
     11. v. to direct (a letter etc. to someone)
           Tämä kirje on osoitettu sinulle.
             This letter is to you.
           Kenelle osoitan tämän kirjeen?
             To whom shall I direct this letter?
     12. v. to demonstrate (to show the steps taken to create a logical argument or equation)
     13. v. to exhibit (demonstrate)
     14. v. to approve (demonstrate)
     15. v. to manifest (to make clear or evident, prove)

     1. v. to show, present
           Näyttäisittekö henkilöllisyystodistuksenne?
             Would you please show your ID?
     2. v. (intransitive, with active participle) to seem to do, appear to do, (to do = active present participle singular in genitive, -van/-vän; to have done = active past participle singular in genitive, -(n)
           Jotenkin hän ei vain näytä nauttivan lomastaan.
             Somehow she just doesn't seem to enjoy her holiday.
           Jotenkin hän ei vain näytä nauttineen lomastaan.
             Somehow she just doesn't seem to have enjoyed her holiday.
     3. v. (intransitive, with siltä, että) to look like, to look as if, to seem, appear
           Näyttää siltä, että olen kiintynyt sinuun.
             It looks like I'm stuck with you.‎
           Näyttää siltä, että kohta sataa.
             It looks as if it’s going to rain soon.‎
             It seems it's going to rain soon.
     4. v. (+ ablative) to look (to give an appearance of being)
           Tuo maalaus näyttää hyvältä.
             That painting looks nice.‎
     5. v. (+ ablative) to look like, resemble (to be similar in appearance to)
           Joidenkin mielestä strutsit näyttävät emuilta, mutta ne ovat vain kaukaisia sukulaisia.
             Ostriches look like emus to some people, but they are only distantly related.‎

     1. n. place, location, spot, site
     2. n. area, region, locality, neighbourhood/neighborhood
     3. n. space, room
     4. n. scene (where something happens/has happened)
     5. n. (politics) seat
           Sosiaalidemokraateilla on eduskunnassa 36 paikkaa.
             The Social Democrats have 36 seats in the Parliament.
     6. n. (sports) berth (position on the field of play)
     7. n. job, post, position
     8. n. patch (on clothes)
     9. n. (dentistry) filling; inlay
     10. n. (colloquial) situation
     11. n. (colloquial, in plural) parts, bones
           Minulla on paikat kipeänä.
             I'm sore all over.

     1. v. To point (with a finger).

     1. n. point (opinion which adds to the discussion)

     1. n. cape (form of land near lake or sea), (gloss, small) peninsula, ness

     1. n. detail

     1. n. gear (as in reverse gear)
     2. n. (rail transport) switch
     3. n. (communication) switch

     1. n. comma (punctuation mark ,)
     2. n. (mathematics) dot (symbol , used for separating the fractional part of a decimal number from the whole part)
     3. n. spot, dot (small spot or mark)
     4. n. (slang) hashish (cannabis extract)
     5. n. (colloquial) last call

     1. n. (typography) point, dot, full stop, period
     2. n. (mathematics) point (zero-dimensional object)
     3. n. point (particular location)
     4. n. point (something tiny)
     5. n. point (mark or stroke above a letter)
     6. n. point (unit of scoring)
     7. n. (typography) point (unit of font size or spacing)

     1. n. mind
     2. n. In certain expressions, short form of mielipide, , opinion.
           minun mielestäni... = according to my opinion... = I think that...
     3. n. As the first part of a compound signifies mental.
           mielikuva = image (lit. mental picture)
     4. n. As the first part of a compound signifies favorite.
           mieliruoka = favorite dish
     5. v. third-person singular indicative past of mieliä
     6. v. indicative present connegative of mieliä
     7. v. second-person singular imperative present of mieliä
     8. v. second-person singular imperative present connegative of mieliä

     1. adj. half
     2. n. half
           Kumman puolen haluat?
             Which half do you want?
           En saanut puoltakaan rahoistani takaisin.
             I did not get back even half of my money.
     3. n. side
           Tämä puoli ylöspäin.
             This side up.
           Hänellä on pimeä puolensa.
             He has his dark side.
     4. n. aspect, facet, feature
           Asiassa on monta puolta.
             There are many aspects in this issue.
           Mitä hyviä puolia sinussa on? .
             What are your best features?
     5. n. huono ~ : drawback

     1. n. A spike
     2. n. A peak
     3. n. A tine (spike or point on an implement or tool, especially a prong of a fork or a tooth of a comb)
     4. n. A spindle (upright spike for holding papers)
     5. n. A tab, slate (a record of money owed)

     1. n. tithe (tax collected for clergy)

     1. n. wedge
     2. n. (heraldry) pile

     1. n. A very small amount of something, a jot, an iota. Normally used only in the idiom ei rahtuakaan (not at all, not the slightest bit).

     1. n. A compass point or point.

     1. n. decimal point

     1. n. A very small amount of something, a jot, an iota.

     1. n. (colloquial) point

     1. n. spot, speck

     1. n. A phase, stage, point, period.
     2. n. (mathematics) phase (of a wave, moon, planet)
     3. n. stage (of a rocket)

     1. n. reason (ability to think).
     2. n. sense (meaning, reason, or value of something).
           Siinä ei ole mitään järkeä.
             It doesn't make any sense.
     3. n. sense (sound practical judgment).
           terve järki = common sense

     1. n. beak, bill, rostrum (anatomical structure of birds)
     2. n. beak (any beaklike object)
     3. n. (pejorative) beak (human nose)
     4. n. spout, lip (channel through which a liquid is poured from a container)
     5. n. top, tip (the far end of many long objects); e.g. following objects may have a nokka: a pier, pole, crane, boom, stick and peninsula
     6. n. ness (promontory, cape or headland; often used in place names)
           Helsingin Katajanokan kaupunginosa on rakennettu 1800- ja 1900-lukujen vaihteessa jugend-tyyliin.
             The Katajanokka area in Helsinki was built at the shift of 19th and 20th centuries in the art deco style.

     1. n. moment (particular point of time)
           Missä olit sillä hetkellä, kun..
             Where were you at the moment when..
     2. n. moment, minute (brief, unspecified amount of time)
           viime hetki
             last minute
           Työ vie vain hetken.
             The job is just going to take a minute.
           Hän kiinnostui vain hetkeksi, ja muutti sitten mielensä.
             She was only interested for a minute, then changed her mind.
           Saavun hetken päästä.
             I will be there in a minute.
           Tämä vie vain hetken ajastanne.
             This will only take a minute of your time.

     1. n. (geography) peninsula

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