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The Finnish word for to pull is

to pull

Translations for to pull and their definitions

     1. v. to pull
     2. v. to lead
           Vedän tätä ryhmää.
             I lead this group.
     3. v. (intransitive) to blow (of the draft)
           Ikkunan luona vetää.
             The draft blows by the window.
     4. v. to wind up (to tighten by winding or twisting)
           Kronometri täytyy vetää tarkalleen 24 tunnin välein, jotta se olisi mahdollisimman tarkka.
             The chronometer must be wound up exactly every 24 hours in order for it to be as precise as possible.
     5. v. ~ oikeuteen : to bring to justice, sue
     6. v. ~ vessa : to flush the toilet
     7. v. to ingest
     8. v. (slang) to perform

     1. n. Influence, authority, clout (of a person or organization).

     1. n. pull (act of pulling)
     2. n. pull (attractive force)
     3. n. draught/draft of air
     4. n. stroke of hand, oar etc.
     5. n. bet, wager (e.g. in gambling)
     6. n. (colloquial) move, as in a debate or game
           Tuo oli hyvä veto!
             That was a good move!
     7. n. veto

     1. v. to do, perform, execute
           Mitä sinä teet? - What are you doing?
           Meidän täytyy tehdä biopsia selvittääksemme oireiden syyn. - We need to perform a biopsy in order to find out the cause of the symptoms.
     2. v. to make, manufacture
           Tein äidilleni kakun. - I made a cake for my mom.
     3. v. to commit, perpetrate, carry out, conduct (to do, as a crime, sin, or fault)
           ~ itsemurha - to commit suicide
           ~ rikos - to commit a crime, perpetrate an offense
           ~ virhe - to commit a mistake, make an error
           ~ koe, ~ testi - to carry out, conduct a test
           tehdä huorin - to commit adultery
     4. v. to make, render (somebody: accusative, adjective: translative or somebody: elative, noun: accusative)
           (with translative adjective describing the end result)     Hän teki minut iloiseksi. - She made me happy.
           (with an elative noun describing the end result)     He tekivät minusta presidentin. - They made me President.
     5. v. to make, cost (said often by the salesperson to the customer)
           Se tekee viisikymmentäyhdeksän euroa. - That makes fifty-nine euros.

     1. v. To give; to allow; to present, donate; to issue.
           Annoin Liisalle kukat.
             I gave Liisa flowers.
     2. v. To let, allow, permit.
           Anna hänen mennä.
             Let him go.
     3. v. To distribute, hand/pass out.
     4. v. To grant, confer.
     5. v. (colloquial) To consent to have sex (with = allative).

     1. n. rowing

     1. v. to strike, hit
     2. v. to attack
     3. v. to crack down (to enforce more stringently or more thoroughly)
           Viranomaiset yrittävät iskeä pyhien aikana rattijuopumukseen.
             The authorities are trying to crack down on drunk driving during the holidays.
     4. v. to hit on, flirt (to try to get someone romantically interested in oneself)

     1. n. pull (device meant to be pulled, as a lever, knob, or handle)
           laatikon vedin = drawer pull
           vetoketjun vedin = zipper pull
     2. n. (slang) In plural (vetimet), clothes, attire
           Kivat vetimet!
             Nice clothes!
     3. v. first-person singular indicative past of vetää

     1. v. to get, receive
     2. v. saada tietää: to learn, find out, come to know
     3. v. to afford; usually in passive (to give forth; yield as natural result)
           Rypäleistä saadaan viiniä, oliiveista öljyä.
             Grapes afford wine, olives afford oil.
     4. v. to deserve
           Saisit hävetä!
             You deserve to be ashamed!
             You should be ashamed!
     5. v. may, to be allowed, to be permitted
     6. v. to make (to cause the direct object to be the subject of a verb)
           Saat minut nauramaan.
             You're making me laugh.
     7. v. (colloquial) to get laid (If the partner is mentioned, the partner is in the ablative case (equivalent to from))

     1. attraction
     2. gracefulness

     1. n. gravity
     2. n. attraction

     1. n. suction
     2. n. undertow; also aaltojen imu (flow of water returning seaward from the waves breaking on the shore)
           Aaltojen imu voi viedä lapselta jalat alta ja aiheuttaa hukkumisen.
             The undertow may sweep a child off its feet and cause drowning.

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