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The Finnish word for to push is

to push

Translations for to push and their definitions

     1. v. To push.

     1. n. thrust, push

     1. v. (intransitive) To approach, come close(r)/near(er).
     2. v. To approach, come close(r) to/near(er) (sth/sb).

     1. n. (figuratively) pressure, heat

     1. v. to drive, ride, travel in a vehicle, transport in a car
           ajaa autoa -- drive a car
           ajaa polkupyörällä -- ride a bike
           rekat ajavat hiekkaa -- the trucks are transporting sand
     2. v. several other forms of movement.
           ajaa kilpaa, ajaa rallia -- race (rally)
           ajaa yhteen -- collide
           ajaa yli -- run over
           ajaa puuhun -- crash into a tree
           ajaa karille -- run aground
           tykistö ajoi asemiin -- artillery took positions
     3. v. to drive away, chase, pursue, expel, deport.
           ajaa tiehensä, ajaa pois -- to chase away
           ajaa takaa -- chase, pursue
     4. v. to herd (animals) in a particular direction.
           ajaa karjaa -- to drive cattle
     5. v. to advocate certain idea
           ajaa jotain asiaa
           ajaa läpi -- to push through
     6. v. to force into a certain state.
           velat ajoivat yrityksen konkurssiin -- the debts bankrupted the company
     7. v. to operate a device
           ydinvoimala ajettiin alas huoltoa varten -- The nuclear power plant was shut down for maintenance.
           ajaa moottori sisään -- to break in an engine
     8. v. to run, execute (a computer program)
     9. v. to shave, cut
           ~ partansa = to shave (one's beard)
           ~ nurmikko = to cut grass.

     1. v. (intransitive) To push; to bear down.
     2. v. (intransitive) To push off, leap, jump.
     3. v. (intransitive) To try hard, make a massive/great/supreme effort, put one's back into it: to struggle, strive.

     1. v. To raise (to increase height, intensity or volume)
           Sinun täytyy korottaa vuokraa.
             You should raise the rent.
           Sinun täytyy korottaa äänesi.
             You should raise your voice.
     2. v. korottaa ääntään = To speak up.
     3. v. To raise, chip (in) or ante (up) (to increase the bet in poker and other games)

     1. v. to coerce, to put pressure on, pressurize (to exert force or influence to compel one to act against his will)
           Älä anna kenenkään painostaa itseäsi ostamaan jotakin, jota et halua.
             Do not let anyone coerce you into buying something you do not want.

     1. v. To foist, ply, force (something on someone/something, jotakin jollekulle), be pushy in offering.
           Älä tyrkytä uskontoasi lapsillesi.
             Do not foist your religion onto your kids.
           Emäntä juotti vierailleen monta kuppia kahvia.
             The hostess made her guests drink many cups of coffee.

     1. n. effort
     2. n. takeoff (in long jump and similar sports, the act that sends the athlete in the air)

     1. v. (intransitive)
     2. v. (of something full e.g. of gas) to pop, burst, (e.g. of something sewn or of an abscess) to rupture
           Hän puhkesi kyyneliin kesken kertomuksensa.
             She burst into tears in the middle of her story.
     3. v. (of a flower) to open, blossom
     4. v. (of a war) to break out
     5. v. ~ nauruun = to burst out laughing/into laughter
     6. v. ~ itkuun = to burst out crying/into tears

     1. v. To go for.

     1. v.
     2. v. To demand, insist, require, call for, ask.
     3. v. To claim, demand, lay claim.
     4. v. To need, take, necessitate.

     1. v. to stretch (to cause to become longer by stretching)

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