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The Finnish word for to run is

to run

Translations for to run and their definitions

     1. v. (intransitive) to run

     1. v. to pull
     2. v. to lead
           Vedän tätä ryhmää.
             I lead this group.
     3. v. (intransitive) to blow (of the draft)
           Ikkunan luona vetää.
             The draft blows by the window.
     4. v. to wind up (to tighten by winding or twisting)
           Kronometri täytyy vetää tarkalleen 24 tunnin välein, jotta se olisi mahdollisimman tarkka.
             The chronometer must be wound up exactly every 24 hours in order for it to be as precise as possible.
     5. v. ~ oikeuteen : to bring to justice, sue
     6. v. ~ vessa : to flush the toilet
     7. v. to ingest
     8. v. (slang) to perform

     1. n. run (act of running)
     2. n. run (pace faster than a walk)
     3. n. (athletics) running (activity of running as a form of exercise or as a sport)
           Juoksu on hyvää harjoitusta.
             Running is good exercise.
     4. n. (construction) plate, wall plate (piece of timber laid horizontally in or on a wall as a support for a girder, rafter, or joist)

     1. v. (intransitive) to answer (someone or something), to reply to; to respond to.
           vastata kysymykseen
             to answer a question
           vastata syytteeseen
             to answer a legal complaint
     2. v. (intransitive) to react, to counter, to respond (to take action in response to).
     3. v. to correspond to, be similar to, be equivalent to.
           Ne eivät vastaa toisiaan.
             They're not equivalent.
     4. v. (intransitive) to be responsible for, be liable for.
           Afrikassa naiset vastaavat maanviljelystä.
             In Africa, women are responsible for farming.
     5. v. (intransitive) to account to (to be acor responsible to)
           Hän vastaa isälleen nuorempien sisariensa vahtimisesta.
             She accounts to her father for watching her younger sisters.
     6. v. (intransitive) to be in charge (to have the responsibility of leading or overseeing)
           Hän jätti tyttärensä vastaamaan nuorempien sisariensa vahtimisesta.
             He left his daughter in charge of watching her younger sisters.

     1. v. to rule, govern, reign, administer, command, master.
     2. v. to master (to have the skill).
     3. v. to control (to exercise influence over, to suggest or dictate the behavior of).
           Hän pystyi hallitsemaan lelukuormuria yksinkertaisella kaukosäätimellä.
             With a simple remote, he could control the toy truck.
     4. v. to be in charge (to have the power of command or control)
           Tämä verkkoselain sallii sinun hallita omia asetuksiasi.
             This internet browser puts you in charge of your personal settings.

     1. v. To lead, take, show someone the way to.
           ~ vieraat olohuoneeseen = to take the guests into the living room.
     2. v. To guide, conduct, usher.
           ~ turistiryhmä kirkkoon = to guide/conduct a tour group to the church.
     3. v. To lead, make, get, induce.
           ~ joku harkitsemaan uudelleen = to get/induce someone to reconsider.
     4. v. To lead, direct; to supervise, superintend.
           ~ keskustelua = to direct a conversation.
           ~ puhetta = to chair (the session/meeting).
           ~ työntekoa = to supervise the job.
     5. v. to lead, command, be in command of, conduct.
           ~ orkesteria = to conduct an orchestra.
     6. v. To manage, run, be in charge of.
           ~ firmaa = to run a company/business.
     7. v. To conduct (e.g. electricity).
     8. v. To derive, trace back.
           ~ sana latinasta = to derive a word from Latin, trace a word back to its Latin origins.
     9. v. To deduce, conclude.
           ~ päätelmä todistusaineistosta = to draw/reach a conclusion / to deduce from the evidence.
     10. v. To prove.
     11. v. (intransitive) To lead to, result/end in.
           ~ onnettomuuteen = to result in an accident.

     1. v. To publish.

     1. v. to cope, stand, withstand, endure, hold up
           Talo kesti myrskyn.
             The house withstood the storm.
     2. v. (intransitive) to last, take, dure
           Kuinka kauan se kestää?
             How long does it take?
           Ei siinä kestä kauaa.
             It won't take long.
     3. v. to tolerate, stand
           En kestä häntä enää!
             I can't stand him anymore!

     1. n. An area surrounded by fences; a yard, corral.

     1. v. (economics) To invite tenders, publicly ask for bids (for providing some service or implementing a project, for example a construction project, thus causing a competition for the contract, which is us
     2. v. To race something (such as a horse, car or team) as a manager or owner, usually without participating oneself in the actual competition event as a driver or player.

     1. n. route

     1. v. (intransitive) To wander, roam, travel, trek, ramble; to hike.
     2. v. (intransitive) To migrate.

     1. v. To change the colour of something, to dye, to tint or to stain, depending on the object.

     1. n. a jog
           Kävin 40 min kävelyllä/hölkällä.
             I went for 40 min by walking and by jogging.

panna toimeen
     1. to implement

     1. v. to sort (separate according to certain criteria)
     2. v. to classify, categorize (to identify by or divide into classes)
     3. v. to size (to classify or arrange by size)

     1. n. run, ladder (length of unravelled fabric in a knitted garment, especially in nylon stockings)

     1. n. current (of e.g. water)

     1. v. (intransitive) To extend, stretch.
     2. v. (intransitive) To reach, to be able to reach.

     1. v.
     2. v. to transport
     3. v. to carry, convey
     4. v. to drive
           Kuljetan sinut kotiin.
             I'll drive you home.
     5. v. (sports) to dribble

     1. v. to run, make run (to cause to move quickly)
           Juoksutan koiraani joka päivä kentän yli ja takaisin.
             Every day I run my dog across the field and back.
           Hän juoksutti minua koko päivän kaikenlaisten pikkuasioiden takia.
             He made me run all day for all sorts of little things.
     2. v. to run, draw (to make a liquid flow)
           Saadaksesi kuumaa vettä sinun täytyy juoksuttaa sitä vähän aikaa.
             You'll have to run the water a while before it gets hot.
     3. v. (music) to practice singing or playing an instrument by producing a quick succession of rising or descending notes; to play or sing a piece with such succession
     4. v. to longe (US), lunge (UK) (to work a horse in a circle at the end of a long line or rope)
     5. v. (dated) to curdle (to cause to form curds)

     1. n. (horsemanship) canter (three-beat gait).
     2. n. (horsemanship) canter (ride).
     3. n. (horsemanship) gallop (four-beat gait).
     4. n. onion (any plant of the genus Allium)

     1. n. partitive singular form of maksa
     2. v. (intransitive) to cost
           Kuinka paljon tämä maksaa?
             How much does this cost?
     3. v. to pay
           Hän maksaa sen.
             She will pay for it.
     4. v. to pay back, repay (to pay an amount owed)
           Maksoin lopulta opintolainani.
             I finally repaid my student loan.

     1. v. (intransitive) to come
           Hän tulee.
             She comes.
     2. v. (intransitive) to become, get, go, turn
           Hänestä tuli rikas.
             She became rich.
           He tulivat hulluiksi.
             They went crazy.
     3. v. (intransitive) to have to do, be to do, should do, be supposed to do
           Minun tulee tehdä tämä huomiseksi.
             I have to do this by tomorrow.
     4. v. (intransitive) Auxiliary verb for emphasized future tense. Usually, the nonpast tense should be used instead of this.
           Nimeni on Tapani ja tapani tulette tuntemaan.
             My name is Tapani and you will learn my manners.
     5. v. (intransitive) Auxiliary verb for passive voice.
           Hän tuli valituksi.
             He was chosen.
           Tapa tai tule tapetuksi.
             Kill or be killed.
     6. v. (intransitive) to cum, orgasm
     7. v. (intransitive) to manage to do (more or less unintentionally), succeed in doing (more or less unintentionally)
           Hän tuli tehneeksi pahan virheen.
             She managed to do a big mistake.

     1. n. streamlet, brook, creek (body of running water smaller than a river)

     1. v. to start; to launch, strike up
     2. v. ~ uudelleen: to restart.

     1. n. timespan, interval (period of time between two events)
           Kun aikaväli salaman näkemisestä jyrinän kuulumiseen on kolme sekuntia, salama on iskenyt kilometrin päähän havainnoijasta.
             When the interval between seeing a lightning and hearing thunder is three seconds the lightning has struck at the distance of one kilometer from the observer.

     1. v. (intransitive) To flow.

     1. n. amount, quantity
           Lumen määrä väheni lämpimämmän jakson aikana.
             The amount of snow decreased during the warmer period.
     2. n. count, number
           Wikipedia-artikkeleiden määrä kasvaa jatkuvasti.
             The count of Wikipedia articles is constantly growing.
     3. n. (dated) aim, target, ambition, obligation (more usually in compound words such as määränpää, päämäärä and määräaika)
           Minun on määrä mennä naimisiin keskiviikkona.
             I will marry on Wednesday.
           Minun on määrä lähteä Siperiaan.
             I must go to Siberia.
     4. adj. määrä-
     5. adj. As modifier in compound terms, short form of määrätty; defined, determined.
           See e.g. määrämuotoinen

     1. v. to strive, endeavour (to attempt through application of effort)
     2. v. to aspire, run for office (to hope or work towards a position)
           Hän pyrkii presidentiksi.
             He aspires to be the president.
     3. v. to pursue (to aim for)
           Hän oli päättänyt pyrkiä rauhaan.
             He had determined to pursue peace.
     4. v. to tend (to have a tendency to)
           Hinnat pyrkivät nousemaan.
             The prices tend to rise.

     1. n. partitive plural form of toimi
     2. v. (intransitive)
     3. v. to work, function, run (to act as intended, to be in action)
           Ratkaisusi näyttää hyvältä paperilla, mutta se ei toimi käytännössä.
             Your solution looks good on paper but it does not work in practice.
           Kummallista - pumppu toimii, mutta veden pinta ei alene.
             Strange - the pump runs, but the water level does not go down.
     4. v. to serve, act, work (as = essive)
           Äskeisten kuolemien pitäisi toimia herätyskellona muille vaarassa oleville.
             The recent deaths should serve as a wake-up call to others at risk.
           Sotilasuransa jälkeen hän toimi pappina kolmekymmentä vuotta.
             After his military career he worked as priest for thirty years.
     5. v. to be powered (by = adessive)
           Tämä CD-soitin toimii paristoilla.
             This CD player is powered by batteries.

     1. v. (of a liquid or viscous fluid) to run, flow (slowly), stream (slowly), pour, drip
     2. v. to swelter (to perspire excessively due to heat); usually with hikeä, , sweat
     3. n. partitive singular form of valu

     1. n. copy

     1. v. To flee from, run away from.
           He pakenivat sotaa Ruotsiin.
             They escaped from the war to Sweden.
     2. v. (transitive + partitive) To escape, get away.
     3. v. ~ onnettomuuspaikalta = to hit and run.

     1. v. (intransitive) to go
     2. v. (intransitive) to go by
     3. v. (intransitive) to visit, go to (and return), attend (a place)
           Kävin eilen Madridissa.
             I visited Madrid yesterday.
           Milloin tulet käymään luonamme?
             When will you visit us?
           käydä kirkossa, sunnuntaijumalanpalveluksessa
             to attend church, the Sunday service.
           Tänään meidän pitää käydä kaupassa.
             We must go to the grocery store today.
           Odota hetki, käyn vessassa.
             Wait a moment while I go to the toilet.
     4. v. (intransitive) to go do
           Mennään käymään kahvilla.
             Let's go get some coffee.
           Osaako pikku-Pekka käydä itse kakalla?
             Is little Pekka able to go poo by himself?
     5. v. or label, fi, transitive, + accusative, depending on the completeness of the action: to go to school
           Käyn lukiota.
             I'm attending high school.
           Kävin lukion Jyväskylässä.
             I went to high school in Jyväskylä.
           Kävin kaksi vuotta lukiota.
             I was in high school for two years.
     6. v. (intransitive) to happen, go (with the subject it)
           Miten siinä kävi (sinulle)?
             How did it go (for you)?
     7. v. (genitive + 3rd-pers. sg. + an adverb) to happen (to somebody)
           Minun kävi huonosti.
             Things went badly for me.
     8. v. (an adjective in partitive singular, or mitä in a question + 3rd-pers. sg. + allative) to happen (to something)
           Mitä sinun jaloillesi on käynyt?
             What has happened to your feet?
     9. v. (intransitive) to please, suit, make content, be okay (with)
           Meidän siitä tapaamisesta, miten sinulle kävisi sunnuntai?
             About our meeting, would Sunday work for you?
           Minulle käy se hyvin.
             I am okay with that.
     10. v. (intransitive) to pass (for)
           Tämä varmaan käy ruoasta.
             This could probably pass for food.
     11. v. (intransitive) to run, operate, work
           Moottori käy.
             The motor is running.
     12. v. (intransitive) to get, grow, become
           Vaikeudet kävivät hänelle liian suuriksi.
             The difficulties got too big for her.
     13. v. (intransitive) to ferment, become fermented, yeast
     14. v. (intransitive) to step, tread, pace, stride
     15. v. Used in very many collocations with nouns and with more or less idiomatic value, translated often into engage in, have, do, transact , pursue, keep up, maintain etc.
           käydä kauppaa: to transact, do business
           käydä keskustelua: to have a conversation
           käydä neuvotteluja: to have a conversation
           käydä vuoropuhelua: to engage in, maintain a dialogue

     1. v. to trickle
     2. v. to tap
     3. v. to instill

     1. v.
     2. v. to take, bring away
     3. v. to steal
     4. v. to use up, take, occupy (of time or space)
     5. v. to export
     6. v. ~ oikeuteen : to bring to justice

     1. v. To put, place, set, (move into) position, locate.
     2. v. To set up, found, institute (usually as an administrative order).
     3. v. To arrange, compose, organise/organize, coordinate.
     4. v. To pacify, appease, calm, quiet (down), soothe, placate.

     1. v. to do, perform, execute
           Mitä sinä teet? - What are you doing?
           Meidän täytyy tehdä biopsia selvittääksemme oireiden syyn. - We need to perform a biopsy in order to find out the cause of the symptoms.
     2. v. to make, manufacture
           Tein äidilleni kakun. - I made a cake for my mom.
     3. v. to commit, perpetrate, carry out, conduct (to do, as a crime, sin, or fault)
           ~ itsemurha - to commit suicide
           ~ rikos - to commit a crime, perpetrate an offense
           ~ virhe - to commit a mistake, make an error
           ~ koe, ~ testi - to carry out, conduct a test
           tehdä huorin - to commit adultery
     4. v. to make, render (somebody: accusative, adjective: translative or somebody: elative, noun: accusative)
           (with translative adjective describing the end result)     Hän teki minut iloiseksi. - She made me happy.
           (with an elative noun describing the end result)     He tekivät minusta presidentin. - They made me President.
     5. v. to make, cost (said often by the salesperson to the customer)
           Se tekee viisikymmentäyhdeksän euroa. - That makes fifty-nine euros.

     1. v. (intransitive) To (be able to) reach (usually with one's limbs).
           Yllätkö ylähyllylle?
             Can you reach the top shelf?
     2. v. (intransitive) To be/come up to.
           Vesi ylsi minua vyötäröön.
             The water was up to my waist.

     1. v. (intransitive) To be dismantled, come apart.
     2. v. (intransitive) To unravel, come undone.
     3. v. (intransitive) To come untied/unwound.
     4. v. (intransitive) To be cancelled/annuled/revoked, (colloquial) fall through.
     5. v. (intransitive) To break up.
     6. v. (intransitive) To get broken off.
     7. v. (intransitive) To be rescinded/reversed.
     8. v. (intransitive) To lose its charge, run down.
     9. v. (intransitive) To be released/vented, burst out, erupt.
     10. v. (intransitive) To erupt.

     1. v. to drive, ride, travel in a vehicle, transport in a car
           ajaa autoa -- drive a car
           ajaa polkupyörällä -- ride a bike
           rekat ajavat hiekkaa -- the trucks are transporting sand
     2. v. several other forms of movement.
           ajaa kilpaa, ajaa rallia -- race (rally)
           ajaa yhteen -- collide
           ajaa yli -- run over
           ajaa puuhun -- crash into a tree
           ajaa karille -- run aground
           tykistö ajoi asemiin -- artillery took positions
     3. v. to drive away, chase, pursue, expel, deport.
           ajaa tiehensä, ajaa pois -- to chase away
           ajaa takaa -- chase, pursue
     4. v. to herd (animals) in a particular direction.
           ajaa karjaa -- to drive cattle
     5. v. to advocate certain idea
           ajaa jotain asiaa
           ajaa läpi -- to push through
     6. v. to force into a certain state.
           velat ajoivat yrityksen konkurssiin -- the debts bankrupted the company
     7. v. to operate a device
           ydinvoimala ajettiin alas huoltoa varten -- The nuclear power plant was shut down for maintenance.
           ajaa moottori sisään -- to break in an engine
     8. v. to run, execute (a computer program)
     9. v. to shave, cut
           ~ partansa = to shave (one's beard)
           ~ nurmikko = to cut grass.

     1. v. (intransitive) To change, alter.
     2. v. (intransitive) To become, grow, turn (into).
     3. v. (intransitive) To vary.

     1. v. (intransitive) To rush, jot (to go quickly).
     2. v. third-person singular indicative present of rientää

     1. v. (copular) To be (indicating that the subject and the complement of the verb form the same thing).
           Minä olen onnellinen.
             I am happy.
           Minä olen lääkäri.
             I am a doctor.
     2. v. (intransitive) To be (to occupy a place).
           Minä olen kotona.
             I am at home.
     3. v. (copular) To be, constitute, make up, form.
           Tuo on maanpetos.
             That constitutes (high) treason.
     4. v. (intransitive) ~ (olemassa) = to exist — the subject often indefinite = in partitive case -> verb in 3rd-pers. singular
           Rakkautta ei ole (olemassa).
             Love doesn't exist.
     5. v. (intransitive) To behave, act (as if...) (when followed by a subordinate clause beginning with (ikään,) kuin, requiring conditional mood).
           Hän oli (ikään), kuin ei olisi huomannut mitään.
             He behaved as if he hadn't noticed anything.
     6. v. To have (a verb to build active present perfect tense and active past perfect tense, taking active past participle, ending -nut/-nyt (singular) or -neet (pl.)).
           Olen jo syönyt tänään.
             I have already eaten today.
           Olemme jo syöneet tänään.
             We have already eaten today.
           Olin jo syönyt.
             I had already eaten.
           Olimme jo syöneet.
             We had already eaten.
     7. v. To have (a verb to build impersonal simple past tense, impersonal passive present perfect tense and impersonal passive past perfect tense, taking passive past participle, ending -tu/-ty).
           Aamiainen oli jo syöty.
             Breakfast had already been eaten.
     8. v. (intransitive) adessive + 3rd-pers. singular + nominative/partitive/accusative = to have; to own, to possess.
           Minulla on/oli/on ollut kissa (nom.). (when in positive sentences, countable nouns in nominative)
             I have/had/have had a cat.
           Minulla ei ole kissaa (part.). (when in negative sentences, countable nouns in partitive)
             I don't have a cat.
           Minulla on/oli/on ollut sinut (acc.). (when in positive sentences, personal pronouns in accusative)
             I have/had/have had you.
           Minulla ei ole/ei ollut/ei ole ollut sinua (part.). (when in negative sentences, personal pronouns in partitive)
             I don't have/didn't have/haven't had you.
           Minulla on/ei ole rahaa (part.). (singular uncountable nouns in partitive in both positive and negative sentences)
             I have/don't have money.
           Minulla on valta (nom.). (with an uncountable noun in nominative, the meaning or nuance of the sentence changes:)
             I've got the power.
     9. v. (intransitive) missä + 3rd-pers. singular + nominative/partitive = there is / are + subject + where?
           Pöydällä on kissa. (when in positive sentences, singular countable nouns in nominative)
             There is a cat on the table.
           Pöydällä ei ole kissaa. (when in negative sentences, singular countable nouns in partitive)
             There is no cat on the table.
           Pöydällä on/ei ole kissoja. (plural countable nouns in partitive in both positive and negative sentences)
             There are (some) cats / There are no cats on the table.
           Lattialla on/ei ole rahaa. (singular uncountable nouns in partitive in both positive and negative sentences)
             There is (some) / There is no money on the floor.
     10. v. (intransitive) genitive + 3rd-pers. singular + passive present participle, -tava/-tävä = to have to do something, must do something; be obliged/forced to do something.
           Minun (gen.) on nyt mentävä.
             I have to go now.
           Minun on palautettava kirja kirjastoon perjantaihin mennessä.
             I have to return the book to the library by Friday.
           that same in passive: nominative/accusative + 3rd-pers. singular + passive present participle, -tava/-tävä = to have to be done, must be done.
           Kirja (nom.) on palautettava kirjastoon perjantaihin mennessä. (countable nouns in nominative)
             The book has to be returned to the library by Friday.
           Onko sinut (acc.) hiljennettevä pakolla? (personal pronouns in accusative)
             Do I have to make you shut your mouth? (literally: Do you have to be quietened by force?)

     1. v.
     2. v. to use, make use of‚ employ, apply, utilize, exploit, take advantage of, exert
           Kumpaa kättä käytät kirjoittaessasi?
             Which hand do you use when you write?
     3. v. to use, consume
           Kuinka paljon käytät alkoholia kuukaudessa?
             How much alcohol do you use per month?
     4. v. (chemistry) to ferment
           Älä käytä olutta liian pitkään.
             Don't ferment the beer too long.
     5. v. (colloquial) to take sb/sth somewhere temporarily, to have sb/sth visit
           Käytin lapsiani ulkona kaksi tuntia.
             I took my kids out for two hours.
           Olen käyttänyt häntä ehdottamallasi psykiatrilla.
             I have had her visit the shrink you suggested.

     1. n. distance

     1. v. (intransitive) To rush (to run directly somewhere).
     2. v. (intransitive) To charge, attack.

     1. v. (intransitive) To be late.
     2. v. (intransitive) To be delayed.
     3. v. (intransitive) To miss (a bus, train, etc.)

     1. v. (intransitive) To go, walk; to travel.
           kulkea autolla
             to go by car
     2. v. (intransitive) To advance, proceed, make headway, move/go ahead/forward, make strides, gain ground.
           kulkea eteenpäin
             to move forward

     1. v. to rotate, roll, reel
           pyörittää silmiään = to roll one's eyes

     1. v. to rotate, turn, revolve, spin, roll
     2. n. partitive plural form of pyörä

     1. v. To perform, carry out, fulfill.
           suorittaa koe.
             to run a test.
             to pass an exam.

     1. v. (intransitive) To continue, go on, last.
     2. v. (intransitive) To (be) continue(d), start again/over.
     3. v. (intransitive) To extend, stretch, continue, (of a river; of a street) to run.

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