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Translations for second and their definitions

     1. adj. (ordinal) the second, abbreviation 2. , in the names of monarchs and popes II .
     2. pron. (indefinite) other, another.
     3. pron. In plural (toiset) the others, other ones.

     1. n. two (digit, symbol)
     2. n. deuce (playing card or side of a dice with two spots on it)
     3. n. second base
     4. n. second gear
     5. n. (colloquial) anus

     1. n. second (attendant)

     1. n. partitive singular form of tuki
     2. v. To support, shore/prop/back up (mentally or physically).
     3. v. To support/back (financially), give financial support to, subsidize, finance; to sponsor.
     4. v. To sustain.
     5. v. To substantiate, corroborate.
           Onko sinulla mitään, mikä tukisi syytöksiäsi?
             Do you have anything that would substantiate your allegations?

     1. Ordinal number. essive singular form of toinen
     2. pron. essive singular form of toinen

     1. adv. more (nouns in partitive can be used with this):
           Hän joi lisää vettä.
             S/he drank more water.
     2. v. third-person singular indicative present of lisätä

     1. v. to support, bear up, hold up, prop up, carry
           Pylväät kannattavat kattoa.
             Columns support the roof.
     2. v. to support, uphold, sustain
     3. v. to support, patronize, maintain
     4. v. to support, back, champion, stand up for
           Svante kannattaa aina Ruotsia jääkiekko-otteluissa.
             Svante always roots for Sweden in hockey games.
     5. v. (+ partitive) to second, espouse, go along with, agree with, adhere
           Kannatamme ajatusta.
             We espouse the idea.
     6. v. (monopersonally; + genitive + 3rd-pers. singular + infinitive) To be worth(while) (for somebody to do), be worth (somebody's while to do).
           Sinun kannattaa miettiä sitä jo etukäteen.
             It is worth for you to think about it already in advance.
     7. v. (intransitive) to be profitable, pay off
           Liike kannattaa.
             The shop is profitable.
     8. v. To have somebody/something carried (by somebody = allative), make somebody (= allative) carry something.
           Vaimo kannatti aviomiehellään raskaan television olohuoneeseen.
             The wife had her husband carry the heavy television set into the living room.

     1. n. (baseball) second base, second (second base), 2nd base

     1. n. second place, second position in a race, election etc.
           Hän sijoittui tiukassa kilpailussa kakkossijalle.
           Hän tuli toiseksi tiukassa kilpailussa.
             He became second in a tight competition.

     1. n. A supporter
     2. n. A fan, admirer, adherent, devotee, enthusiast, booster or aficionado (supporter of a sports team etc.).
     3. n. A second (one who agrees in a motion, as required in certain meetings to pass judgement etc.).
     4. n. An advocate (person who speaks in support of something).
     5. n. A follower (one who adheres to the opinions, ideas, or teachings of another).
     6. n. A stalwart (one who firmly supports a cause).

     1. n. arcsecond

     1. v. to follow, accompany (to go or come after in physical space)
     2. v. to keep track, monitor
           Olkaa hyvä ja ilmoittautukaa, jotta voimme seurata, keitä täällä on.
             Please sign in so that we can keep track of who is here.
     3. v. to ensue

     1. n. moment (particular point of time)
           Missä olit sillä hetkellä, kun..
             Where were you at the moment when..
     2. n. moment, minute (brief, unspecified amount of time)
           viime hetki
             last minute
           Työ vie vain hetken.
             The job is just going to take a minute.
           Hän kiinnostui vain hetkeksi, ja muutti sitten mielensä.
             She was only interested for a minute, then changed her mind.
           Saavun hetken päästä.
             I will be there in a minute.
           Tämä vie vain hetken ajastanne.
             This will only take a minute of your time.

     1. adj. second-rate

     1. v. to command

     1. n. (enum, kymmenesosasekunti, minuutti, unit of time, s)
     2. n. A second.

     1. Ordinal number. translative singular form of toinen
     2. pron. translative singular form of toinen
     3. adv. secondly, for the second (in the second place)
           ensiksi ... toiseksi
             firstly ... secondly

     1. n. assistant, aide, auxiliary; sidekick (person who assists or helps someone else)
     2. n. (military) aide, aide-de-camp, adjutant (officer who acts as assistant to a more senior one)
     3. n. attendant (one who attends)
           Antakaa avaimet pysäköintiavustajille ja he pysäköivät autonne.
             Give your keys to the parking attendants and they will park your car for you.
     4. n. second (attendant of a duel or boxing match standing in for a contestant)
     5. n. paralegal, legal assistant (lawyer's assistant)
     6. n. (in plural) crew (non-actor members of a theatrical or film production)

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