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The Finnish word for to sit is

to sit

Translations for to sit and their definitions

     1. v. to sit
     2. v. to be a member in a board or similar
           Johannes Virolainen istui eduskunnassa peräti 42 vuotta.
             Johannes Virolainen was a member of parliament for as much as 42 years.
     3. v. to be in jail

     1. v. (intransitive) to sit down, take a seat, sit (take a seat)

     1. v. (intransitive)
     2. v. To stand.
     3. v. To be at a halt.
           Tehdas on seissyt kolme viikkoa.
             The factory has been at a halt for three weeks.
     4. v. (colloquial) adessive + 3rd-pers. singular = to have an erection.
           Hänellä ei seissyt.
             He didn't have an erection.
     5. n. elative singular form of sei
     6. n. elative plural form of sei

     1. n. A session (meeting of a council, court, or legislative body to conduct its business).
     2. n. A session (in computing, a sequence of interactions between the server and a user).
     3. n. A meeting (session).
     4. n. A sit (a religious event, where the primary activity is to sit in meditation).

     1. v. to fit
           Nämä housut sopivat minulle täydellisesti.
             These pants fit me perfectly.
     2. v. to suit, to be suitable
           Tämä viini sopii aperitiiviksi.
             This wine is suitable as an apéritif.
     3. v. ~ + illative, to comport with, match (to be in agreement with; to be of an accord)
           Uudet säännöt eivät näyttäneet sopivan kerhon henkeen.
             The new rules did not seem to comport with the spirit of the club.
     4. v. to agree, make an agreement
           USA ja Kirgisia sopivat tukikohdasta.
             USA and Kyrgyzstan made an agreement on the military base.
           Naapurukset sopivat kiistansa.
             The neighbors settled their dispute.

     1. v. (copular) To be (indicating that the subject and the complement of the verb form the same thing).
           Minä olen onnellinen.
             I am happy.
           Minä olen lääkäri.
             I am a doctor.
     2. v. (intransitive) To be (to occupy a place).
           Minä olen kotona.
             I am at home.
     3. v. (copular) To be, constitute, make up, form.
           Tuo on maanpetos.
             That constitutes (high) treason.
     4. v. (intransitive) ~ (olemassa) = to exist — the subject often indefinite = in partitive case -> verb in 3rd-pers. singular
           Rakkautta ei ole (olemassa).
             Love doesn't exist.
     5. v. (intransitive) To behave, act (as if...) (when followed by a subordinate clause beginning with (ikään,) kuin, requiring conditional mood).
           Hän oli (ikään), kuin ei olisi huomannut mitään.
             He behaved as if he hadn't noticed anything.
     6. v. To have (a verb to build active present perfect tense and active past perfect tense, taking active past participle, ending -nut/-nyt (singular) or -neet (pl.)).
           Olen jo syönyt tänään.
             I have already eaten today.
           Olemme jo syöneet tänään.
             We have already eaten today.
           Olin jo syönyt.
             I had already eaten.
           Olimme jo syöneet.
             We had already eaten.
     7. v. To have (a verb to build impersonal simple past tense, impersonal passive present perfect tense and impersonal passive past perfect tense, taking passive past participle, ending -tu/-ty).
           Aamiainen oli jo syöty.
             Breakfast had already been eaten.
     8. v. (intransitive) adessive + 3rd-pers. singular + nominative/partitive/accusative = to have; to own, to possess.
           Minulla on/oli/on ollut kissa (nom.). (when in positive sentences, countable nouns in nominative)
             I have/had/have had a cat.
           Minulla ei ole kissaa (part.). (when in negative sentences, countable nouns in partitive)
             I don't have a cat.
           Minulla on/oli/on ollut sinut (acc.). (when in positive sentences, personal pronouns in accusative)
             I have/had/have had you.
           Minulla ei ole/ei ollut/ei ole ollut sinua (part.). (when in negative sentences, personal pronouns in partitive)
             I don't have/didn't have/haven't had you.
           Minulla on/ei ole rahaa (part.). (singular uncountable nouns in partitive in both positive and negative sentences)
             I have/don't have money.
           Minulla on valta (nom.). (with an uncountable noun in nominative, the meaning or nuance of the sentence changes:)
             I've got the power.
     9. v. (intransitive) missä + 3rd-pers. singular + nominative/partitive = there is / are + subject + where?
           Pöydällä on kissa. (when in positive sentences, singular countable nouns in nominative)
             There is a cat on the table.
           Pöydällä ei ole kissaa. (when in negative sentences, singular countable nouns in partitive)
             There is no cat on the table.
           Pöydällä on/ei ole kissoja. (plural countable nouns in partitive in both positive and negative sentences)
             There are (some) cats / There are no cats on the table.
           Lattialla on/ei ole rahaa. (singular uncountable nouns in partitive in both positive and negative sentences)
             There is (some) / There is no money on the floor.
     10. v. (intransitive) genitive + 3rd-pers. singular + passive present participle, -tava/-tävä = to have to do something, must do something; be obliged/forced to do something.
           Minun (gen.) on nyt mentävä.
             I have to go now.
           Minun on palautettava kirja kirjastoon perjantaihin mennessä.
             I have to return the book to the library by Friday.
           that same in passive: nominative/accusative + 3rd-pers. singular + passive present participle, -tava/-tävä = to have to be done, must be done.
           Kirja (nom.) on palautettava kirjastoon perjantaihin mennessä. (countable nouns in nominative)
             The book has to be returned to the library by Friday.
           Onko sinut (acc.) hiljennettevä pakolla? (personal pronouns in accusative)
             Do I have to make you shut your mouth? (literally: Do you have to be quietened by force?)

     1. n. partitive singular form of maa
           Maata näkyvissä!
              Land ahoy!
     2. v. (intransitive) to lie (down, somewhere).
     3. v. (intransitive) to have sex(ual intercourse) (with somebody = genitive + kanssa).
     4. v. of a male, to lay, to have sex with
           Tuo heidät tänne, me haluamme maata heidän kanssaan. (Bible, Genesis 19:5)
             Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.
     5. v. ~ väkisin = to rape
     6. v. indicative present connegative of maattaa
     7. v. second-person singular imperative present of maattaa
     8. v. second-person singular imperative present connegative of maattaa

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