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The Finnish word for slope is


Translations for slope and their definitions

     1. n. A slope, hillside
     2. n. (skiing) A piste

     1. v. to slope, lean, incline, tilt.
     2. v. To make more expensive.

     1. n. (mathematics) slope

     1. v. to slip, slope ‎(to move quickly and often secretively; to depart, withdraw, enter, appear, intrude, or escape as if by sliding)
           Liitteeseen livahti muutamia virheitä.
             Some errors slipped into the appendix.
           Kettu livahti aidan raosta.
             The fox slipped through a slit in the fence.
           Livahdin sisään takaovesta toivoen, että pomo ei näkisi minua.
             I sloped in through the back door, hoping my boss wouldn't see me.
     2. v. ~ sisään: to sneak in (to enter without being noticed)
           Yritän livahtaa sisään takaovesta.
             I'm going to try to sneak in by the back door.
     3. v. ~ ulos: to sneak off, slide off, slip away, slip off, sneak away (to leave a place, or a meeting, without being seen or heard)
           Et voi vain livahtaa ulos sanomatta näkemiin.
             You don't just sneak off without saying goodbye.

     1. n. gradient

     1. v. viettää aikaa: to spend, pass time
     2. v. viettää lomaa: to vacation
     3. v. viettää juhlaa: to celebrate; similarly, viettää syntymäpäiviä: to celebrate birthday, to have a birthday party, etc.
     4. v. (intransitive) ~ (alas) = to slope (down), incline.

     1. n. slope, obliquity
     2. n. camber

     1. n. steepness

     1. v. To sneak (creep or steal).
     2. v. To tiptoe.
     3. v. To creep (move slowly and quietly).
     4. v. To creep (change gradually).
     5. v. To slink (sneak about furtively).

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