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Translations for sponge and their definitions

     1. n. (colloquial) bum, hobo, vagabond (homeless person)
     2. n. bum (person who doesn't do their share or lets others pay their part of a bill etc.)
     3. n. panhandler (urban beggar)
     4. n. miss (failure to hit a target)
           Ammuin kolmannella ampumispaikalla kolme pummia ja menetin mahdollisuuteni voittoon.
             I shot three misses on the third shooting round and lost my chances to win.
     5. n. When used adverbially in adessive singular indicates avoidance of a fee, such as a movie ticket or hotel bill.
           Matkustan usein pummilla raitiovaunussa.
             I often dodge the fare in a tram.
           Söin eilen pummilla ruokalassa.
             I skipped paying yesterday in the canteen.

     1. n. point, tip, cusp (sharp point or pointed end)
     2. n. lead (the state of being ahead in a race; the highest score in a game in an incomplete game)

     1. v. (slang) To sponge (to take advantage of others).

     1. n. sponge (invertebrate of the phylum Porifera)

     1. n. bath sponge (Spongia officinalis)
     2. n. sponge, bath sponge (implement for washing)

     1. n. fungus
     2. n. mushroom
     3. n. sponge, bath sponge; shorter form of pesusieni
     4. n. sponge (porous material)
     5. n. (informal) sponge (heavy drinker)

     1. n. sponge (person who takes advantage of the generosity of others)

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