The Finnish word for to stand is

Translations for to stand and their definitions
nousta | |
1. v. to rise | |
2. v. to arise | |
3. v. to embark, to board | |
Hän nousi junaan Oulussa ja sen jälkeen häntä ei ole nähty. | |
He embarked a train in Oulu and he hasn't been seen thereafter. | |
4. v. to disembark | |
Hän nousi junasta Oulussa. | |
He disembarked the train in Oulu. |
nousta ylös | |
1. to get up |
tuki | |
1. n. support | |
2. n. back, backing | |
Jos joskus tarvitset apua, niin pyydä. Tiedät, että sinulla on minun tukeni. | |
If you ever need help, just ask. You know I have your back. | |
3. n. strut, prop, crutch | |
4. n. (social) allowance, dole, benefit | |
Katja nostaa tukia. | |
Katja is on the dole (lit. withdraws allowances). | |
5. v. third-person singular indicative past of tukea | |
6. v. second-person singular indicative past of tukkia | |
7. v. second-person singular imperative present connegative of tukkia | |
8. v. plural imperative present connegative of tukkia |
seisoa | |
1. v. (intransitive) To stand. | |
2. v. (intransitive) To be at a halt. | |
Tehdas seisoi. | |
The factory was at a halt. | |
3. v. (intransitive) adessive + 3rd-pers. singular = to have an erection. | |
Hänellä seisoi. | |
He had an erection. |
teline | |
1. n. (usually in plural) scaffold, staging (structure supporting workmen on a construction site etc.) | |
2. n. rack, stand |
seistä | |
1. v. (intransitive) | |
2. v. To stand. | |
3. v. To be at a halt. | |
Tehdas on seissyt kolme viikkoa. | |
The factory has been at a halt for three weeks. | |
4. v. (colloquial) adessive + 3rd-pers. singular = to have an erection. | |
Hänellä ei seissyt. | |
He didn't have an erection. | |
5. n. elative singular form of sei | |
6. n. elative plural form of sei |
lava | |
1. n. bed (platform of a truck or other vehicle that supports the load) | |
2. n. platform (raised stage for speeches etc.) | |
3. n. stage (in a theatre etc.) |
koju | |
1. n. booth |
tuomita | |
1. v. To convict someone (of something = elative); to sentence someone, condemn someone (to something = illative). | |
2. v. To try, hear, sit, adjudicate (a case). | |
3. v. To judge. | |
(Bible) Älkää tuomitko, ettei teitä tuomittaisi. | |
Judge not, lest ye be judged. | |
4. v. To judge, condemn, doom. | |
5. v. To express strong disapproval of, denounce; to condemn, reprobate, objurgate, excoriate. | |
6. v. To referee; to umpire. |
ihmetys | |
1. n. astonishment |
aitio | |
1. n. A box in a theatre etc. |
jakso | |
1. n. period | |
2. n. episode | |
3. n. passage (paragraph or section of text) |
siemenpuu | |
1. n. (forestry) seed tree (superior tree left standing at the time of cutting to produce seed for reforestation) | |
2. n. A yet ungrafted fruit tree grown from the seed. |
pyrkiä | |
1. v. to strive, endeavour (to attempt through application of effort) | |
2. v. to aspire, run for office (to hope or work towards a position) | |
Hän pyrkii presidentiksi. | |
He aspires to be the president. | |
3. v. to pursue (to aim for) | |
Hän oli päättänyt pyrkiä rauhaan. | |
He had determined to pursue peace. | |
4. v. to tend (to have a tendency to) | |
Hinnat pyrkivät nousemaan. | |
The prices tend to rise. |
metsikkö | |
1. n. A small forest. |
asema | |
1. n. state, position, situation | |
Olen sellaisessa asemassa, että en voi kritisoida presidenttiä julkisesti. | |
I am in such a position that I can not criticize the president publically. | |
2. n. status (person’s position or standing relative to that of others) | |
Upseerin rouvalla on kunnioitettu asema varuskuntakaupungissa. | |
The wife of an officer has a respected status in a garrison town. | |
3. n. station | |
rautatieasema | |
railway station | |
4. n. (military) post | |
5. n. (computing) drive |
kestää | |
1. v. to cope, stand, withstand, endure, hold up | |
Talo kesti myrskyn. | |
The house withstood the storm. | |
2. v. (intransitive) to last, take, dure | |
Kuinka kauan se kestää? | |
How long does it take? | |
Ei siinä kestä kauaa. | |
It won't take long. | |
3. v. to tolerate, stand | |
En kestä häntä enää! | |
I can't stand him anymore! |
kanta | |
1. n. stem | |
2. n. opinion, point of view (attitude, opinion, or set of beliefs) | |
3. n. heel (part of a sole of a shoe, especially a low one; a high heel is usually called korko) | |
olla kannoilla = to heel | |
4. n. (microbiology) strain | |
5. n. (biology) population |
suunnata | |
1. v. | |
2. v. to direct | |
3. v. to target, aim | |
4. v. to head (to move in a specified direction) |
paikka | |
1. n. place, location, spot, site | |
2. n. area, region, locality, neighbourhood/neighborhood | |
3. n. space, room | |
4. n. scene (where something happens/has happened) | |
5. n. (politics) seat | |
Sosiaalidemokraateilla on eduskunnassa 36 paikkaa. | |
The Social Democrats have 36 seats in the Parliament. | |
6. n. (sports) berth (position on the field of play) | |
7. n. job, post, position | |
8. n. patch (on clothes) | |
9. n. (dentistry) filling; inlay | |
10. n. (colloquial) situation | |
11. n. (colloquial, in plural) parts, bones | |
Minulla on paikat kipeänä. | |
I'm sore all over. |
kannanotto | |
1. n. contention, position (point maintained in an argument) | |
2. n. position paper (essay or report which expresses a position on a contested issue) | |
3. n. resolution (formal statement adopted by an assembly) | |
4. n. statement (presentation of opinion or position) |
koppi | |
1. n. small hut or cell, compare koirankoppi (kennel, doghouse) | |
2. n. doghouse (small shelter for humans) | |
3. n. catch (the act of catching an object in motion, especially a ball) |
päteä | |
1. v. (intransitive) To apply, be valid. | |
Sama pätee kaikkiin muihin. | |
The same goes for everyone else. | |
2. v. (intransitive) To show off one's (real or fake) intelligence or knowledge. |
vastustaa | |
1. v. to object, to oppose, to contest (to raise an objection) | |
2. v. to protest (to make a strong objection) | |
3. v. to resist, to oppose, counteract, hinder (to attempt to counter the actions or effects of someone or something) | |
4. v. to antagonize (to work against; to oppose; especially to incite reaction) |
sietää | |
1. v. to tolerate, endure | |
2. v. to stand |
tiski | |
1. n. desk | |
2. n. counter | |
3. n. (colloquial) dishes (dirty containers, utensils etc. to be washed after eating). |
tuomaroida | |
1. v. To ump (to act as an umpire). |
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