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The Finnish word for to stand is

to stand

Translations for to stand and their definitions

     1. v. to rise
     2. v. to arise
     3. v. to embark, to board
           Hän nousi junaan Oulussa ja sen jälkeen häntä ei ole nähty.
             He embarked a train in Oulu and he hasn't been seen thereafter.
     4. v. to disembark
           Hän nousi junasta Oulussa.
             He disembarked the train in Oulu.

nousta ylös
     1. to get up

     1. n. support
     2. n. back, backing
           Jos joskus tarvitset apua, niin pyydä. Tiedät, että sinulla on minun tukeni.
             If you ever need help, just ask. You know I have your back.
     3. n. strut, prop, crutch
     4. n. (social) allowance, dole, benefit
           Katja nostaa tukia.
             Katja is on the dole (lit. withdraws allowances).
     5. v. third-person singular indicative past of tukea
     6. v. second-person singular indicative past of tukkia
     7. v. second-person singular imperative present connegative of tukkia
     8. v. plural imperative present connegative of tukkia

     1. v. (intransitive) To stand.
     2. v. (intransitive) To be at a halt.
           Tehdas seisoi.
              The factory was at a halt.
     3. v. (intransitive) adessive + 3rd-pers. singular = to have an erection.
           Hänellä seisoi.
              He had an erection.

     1. n. (usually in plural) scaffold, staging (structure supporting workmen on a construction site etc.)
     2. n. rack, stand

     1. v. (intransitive)
     2. v. To stand.
     3. v. To be at a halt.
           Tehdas on seissyt kolme viikkoa.
             The factory has been at a halt for three weeks.
     4. v. (colloquial) adessive + 3rd-pers. singular = to have an erection.
           Hänellä ei seissyt.
             He didn't have an erection.
     5. n. elative singular form of sei
     6. n. elative plural form of sei

     1. n. bed (platform of a truck or other vehicle that supports the load)
     2. n. platform (raised stage for speeches etc.)
     3. n. stage (in a theatre etc.)

     1. n. booth

     1. v. To convict someone (of something = elative); to sentence someone, condemn someone (to something = illative).
     2. v. To try, hear, sit, adjudicate (a case).
     3. v. To judge.
           (Bible) Älkää tuomitko, ettei teitä tuomittaisi.
             Judge not, lest ye be judged.
     4. v. To judge, condemn, doom.
     5. v. To express strong disapproval of, denounce; to condemn, reprobate, objurgate, excoriate.
     6. v. To referee; to umpire.

     1. n. astonishment

     1. n. A box in a theatre etc.

     1. n. period
     2. n. episode
     3. n. passage (paragraph or section of text)

     1. n. (forestry) seed tree (superior tree left standing at the time of cutting to produce seed for reforestation)
     2. n. A yet ungrafted fruit tree grown from the seed.

     1. v. to strive, endeavour (to attempt through application of effort)
     2. v. to aspire, run for office (to hope or work towards a position)
           Hän pyrkii presidentiksi.
             He aspires to be the president.
     3. v. to pursue (to aim for)
           Hän oli päättänyt pyrkiä rauhaan.
             He had determined to pursue peace.
     4. v. to tend (to have a tendency to)
           Hinnat pyrkivät nousemaan.
             The prices tend to rise.

     1. n. A small forest.

     1. n. state, position, situation
           Olen sellaisessa asemassa, että en voi kritisoida presidenttiä julkisesti.
             I am in such a position that I can not criticize the president publically.
     2. n. status (person’s position or standing relative to that of others)
           Upseerin rouvalla on kunnioitettu asema varuskuntakaupungissa.
             The wife of an officer has a respected status in a garrison town.
     3. n. station
             railway station
     4. n. (military) post
     5. n. (computing) drive

     1. v. to cope, stand, withstand, endure, hold up
           Talo kesti myrskyn.
             The house withstood the storm.
     2. v. (intransitive) to last, take, dure
           Kuinka kauan se kestää?
             How long does it take?
           Ei siinä kestä kauaa.
             It won't take long.
     3. v. to tolerate, stand
           En kestä häntä enää!
             I can't stand him anymore!

     1. n. stem
     2. n. opinion, point of view (attitude, opinion, or set of beliefs)
     3. n. heel (part of a sole of a shoe, especially a low one; a high heel is usually called korko)
           olla kannoilla = to heel
     4. n. (microbiology) strain
     5. n. (biology) population

     1. v.
     2. v. to direct
     3. v. to target, aim
     4. v. to head (to move in a specified direction)

     1. n. place, location, spot, site
     2. n. area, region, locality, neighbourhood/neighborhood
     3. n. space, room
     4. n. scene (where something happens/has happened)
     5. n. (politics) seat
           Sosiaalidemokraateilla on eduskunnassa 36 paikkaa.
             The Social Democrats have 36 seats in the Parliament.
     6. n. (sports) berth (position on the field of play)
     7. n. job, post, position
     8. n. patch (on clothes)
     9. n. (dentistry) filling; inlay
     10. n. (colloquial) situation
     11. n. (colloquial, in plural) parts, bones
           Minulla on paikat kipeänä.
             I'm sore all over.

     1. n. contention, position (point maintained in an argument)
     2. n. position paper (essay or report which expresses a position on a contested issue)
     3. n. resolution (formal statement adopted by an assembly)
     4. n. statement (presentation of opinion or position)

     1. n. small hut or cell, compare koirankoppi (kennel, doghouse)
     2. n. doghouse (small shelter for humans)
     3. n. catch (the act of catching an object in motion, especially a ball)

     1. v. (intransitive) To apply, be valid.
           Sama pätee kaikkiin muihin.
             The same goes for everyone else.
     2. v. (intransitive) To show off one's (real or fake) intelligence or knowledge.

     1. v. to object, to oppose, to contest (to raise an objection)
     2. v. to protest (to make a strong objection)
     3. v. to resist, to oppose, counteract, hinder (to attempt to counter the actions or effects of someone or something)
     4. v. to antagonize (to work against; to oppose; especially to incite reaction)

     1. v. to tolerate, endure
     2. v. to stand

     1. n. desk
     2. n. counter
     3. n. (colloquial) dishes (dirty containers, utensils etc. to be washed after eating).

     1. v. To ump (to act as an umpire).

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