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Translations for tap and their definitions

     1. n. faucet
     2. n. tap
     3. n. hammer (of a gun)

     1. n. branching
     2. n. tap (a connection made to an electrical or fluid conductor without breaking it)

     1. n. peg (cylindrical wooden, metal etc. object used to fasten or as a bearing between objects)
     2. n. peg (protrusion used to hang things on)
     3. n. tap, spigot (pin or peg used to stop the vent in a cask)
     4. n. plug (any piece of wood, metal, or other substance used to stop or fill a hole)
     5. n. stopper, bung (object to prevent fluid passing through the neck of a bottle, a hole in a vessel etc.)
           Tarvitsemme tapin, tai vene uppoaa.
             We need a stopper or the boat will sink.
     6. n. pin, dowel (cylinder often of wood or metal used to fasten or as a bearing between two parts)
     7. n. tenon
     8. n. cone cell, short for tappisolu

     1. v. to trickle
     2. v. to tap
     3. v. to instill

     1. v. To tap (to touch one's finger, foot, or other body parts on a surface, usually repeatedly).
           Hän oli niin hermostunut, että alkoi naputtaa pöytää sormillaan.
             He was so nervous he began to tap his fingers on the table.
     2. v. To make a sharp noise.
           Tuulessa huojuva puu alkoi naputtaa ikkunaan.
             The tree, swaying in the breeze, began to tap on the window pane.
     3. v. (colloquial) To type.
     4. v. (colloquial) To nag.

     1. n. A touch (act of touching)
     2. n. (military) contact (with the enemy)

     1. n. A tap (tool to make internal thread).

     1. v. To tax.

     1. v. to eavesdrop, listen in (to listen to a conversation one is not intended to hear)
     2. v. to tap, wiretap (to place a listening or recording device on a telephone or wired connection)

     1. v.
     2. v. to use, make use of‚ employ, apply, utilize, exploit, take advantage of, exert
           Kumpaa kättä käytät kirjoittaessasi?
             Which hand do you use when you write?
     3. v. to use, consume
           Kuinka paljon käytät alkoholia kuukaudessa?
             How much alcohol do you use per month?
     4. v. (chemistry) to ferment
           Älä käytä olutta liian pitkään.
             Don't ferment the beer too long.
     5. v. (colloquial) to take sb/sth somewhere temporarily, to have sb/sth visit
           Käytin lapsiani ulkona kaksi tuntia.
             I took my kids out for two hours.
           Olen käyttänyt häntä ehdottamallasi psykiatrilla.
             I have had her visit the shrink you suggested.

     1. v. to lower, drop
     2. v. to put down, set down, lay down
     3. v. to lay (e.g. the foundation of sth)
     4. v. (with adverbs or verbs) to let
           laskea sisään = to let in
           laskea ulos = to let out
           laskea karkuun = to let escape
           laskea menemään = to let go (concretely; not in the sense to dismiss/give notice to/fire)
           laskea irti = to let loose
     5. v. ~ liikkeelle/liikkeeseen = to release, put into circulation, issue
     6. v. to (let) run, (let) flow
     7. v. to count, tally (the number of sth)
     8. v. to calculate, figure
     9. v. to lower (e.g. prices), to decrease (the amount of sth)
     10. v. (+ genitive-accusative + translative) to find, consider
           Lasken sen eduksi.
             I consider it an advantage.
     11. v. (intransitive) to fall, drop
     12. v. (intransitive) to lower (e.g. of prices), decrease (e.g. of the amount of sth)
     13. v. (intransitive) to slope down, descend, drop off
     14. v. (intransitive) to slide (down; by using some vehicle or instrument)
           laskea kelkalla mäkeä = to slide downhill with a sled
           laskea suksilla mäkeä = to ski downhill
     15. v. (intransitive) to flow to a larger body of water
           Mississippi laskee Meksikon lahteen.
             The Mississippi flows into the Gulf of Mexico.
     16. v. (intransitive) to set

     1. v. To tap (with fingers).

     1. v. To open.
           Avasin sipsipussin.
             I opened a bag of chips.
     2. v. To unwrap.
     3. v. To turn on.
     4. v. To switch on.
           Avasin television.
             I switched on the television.
     5. v. To unlock.
           Avasin oven.
             I opened the door.
     6. v. To unfasten.
     7. v. To untie.
           Avasin kengännauhani.
             I untied my shoelaces.
     8. v. To undo.
     9. v. To unbutton.
           Avasin paitani.
             I unbuttoned my shirt.
     10. v. To unhook.
     11. v. To unstrap.
     12. v. To unbuckle.
     13. v. To uncork.
     14. v. To inaugurate.
     15. v. To establish.
           Leipomo avattiin lähelle kotiani.
             A bakery was established close to my home.
     16. v. To disenchant.
     17. v. To disentangle.

     1. v. To tap.
     2. v. To pat.
     3. v. To applaud.

     1. v. To tap.
           Eräs mies kopautti Jannaa pian olkapäähän.
             One man soon tapped Janna on the shoulder.

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