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The Finnish word for to touch is

to touch

Translations for to touch and their definitions

     1. n. sense of touch, touch

     1. n. partitive singular form of koski
     2. v. (intransitive) to touch
           Koskitko sinä siihen?
             Did you touch it?
     3. v. (intransitive) to touch (to physically disturb; to interfere with, molest, or attempt to harm through contact)
           Jos kosket häneen, tapan sinut.
             If you touch her, I'll kill you.
     4. v. (intransitive) illative + 3rd-pers. singular = to be sore, to ache (physically)
           Jalkoihini koskee.
             My legs are sore.
     5. v. to apply to, pertain to, concern
           Tämä koskee myös sinua.
             This concerns you, too.

     1. n. A touch (act of touching)
     2. n. (military) contact (with the enemy)

     1. v. To touch (to make physical contact with).
     2. v. To affect.

     1. to fondle

     1. n. connection (point at which two or more things are connected)
           Ylensyönnin ja liikalihavuuden yhteys on ilmeinen.
             The connection between overeating and obesity is obvious.
           Päänsärylläni ei ole yhteyttä siihen, että olin eilen ulkona.
             My headache has no connection with me going out last night.
     2. n. connection (feeling of understanding and ease of communication between two or more people)
           Koska olimme huoneessa ainoat, jotka nauroivat vitsille, tunsin välillämme yhteyden.
             As we were the only people in the room to laugh at the joke, I felt a connection between us.
     3. n. connection (established communications or transportation link)
           Tietoneet on linkitetty verkkoyhteyden kautta.
             The computers are linked by a network connection.
           Puhuin hänen kanssaan, mutta sitten tuli salamanisku, ja yhteys katkesi.
             I was talking to him, but there was lightning and we lost the connection.
     4. n. access, connection (connection to or communication with the Internet)
           Onko hotellissanne internet-yhteyttä?
             Do you have internet access in your hotel?
     5. n. (transport) connection (transfer from one transportation vehicle to another in scheduled transportation service)
           Bussi oli myöhässä, joten hän myöhästyi yhteydestään Penn Stationilla ja joutui odottamaan kuusi tuntia seuraavaa junaa.
             The bus was late so he missed his connection at Penn Station and had to wait six hours for the next train.
     6. n. (usually plural) contact
           Onko sinulla yhteyksiä Venäjän mafiaan?
             Do you have any contacts with the Russian mafia?
     7. n. context
           Tämänkin sanan merkitys riippuu siitä yhteydestä, jossa sitä käytetään.
             Also this word's meaning depends on the context in which it is used.
     8. n. touch, contact; in expressions in contact, in touch, out of touch
           En ollut pitkään aikaan ollut yhteydessä vanhaan ystävääni, kun hän soitti.
             I had been out of touch with my old friend for a long time when she called.
           Saitko häneen yhteyttä?
             Did you get in touch with her?

     1. n. A trifle, bit (amount).

     1. n. grasp, grip
     2. n. citation, excerpt, extract
     3. n. (rarely) maneuver, see e.g. Heimlich maneuver

     1. odor

     1. n. feature (physical constituent)
     2. n. cast (visual appearance)
     3. n. trait (an identifying characteristic, habit or trend)

     1. n. contact

     1. n. style
           Olemme tyyleiltämme kuin yö ja päivä.
              In terms of our style, we're like night and day. (e.g. very opposite)

     1. n. A very small amount of something, a jot, an iota.

     1. v. agent participle of tuntua
     2. n. touch, feel, feeling

     1. n. premonition, intuition

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