The Finnish word for train is

Translations for train and their definitions
kouluttaa | |
1. v. To educate, school. |
juna | |
1. n. train (railroad train) |
harjoitella | |
1. v. To practice, exercise, train, drill, rehearse. |
harjoittaa | |
1. v. To practice (to perform or execute a craft or skill). |
opettaa | |
1. v. To teach someone (= partitive) to do something (= active 3rd infinitive in illative, -maan/-mään). | |
2. v. To teach someone (= allative) about something (= elative). |
ohjata | |
1. v. to steer, pilot, navigate, drive a vehicle (car, ship, airplane, etc.) | |
2. v. to direct, guide, conduct, lead, channel a moving object, flowing substance, traffic, etc. | |
3. v. to control, regulate a device, appliance, or system | |
4. v. to show the way, give directions, show to somewhere, usher, direct, guide, lead | |
5. v. to give information to, give instructions to, give directions to, tell someone what to do, counsel, instruct, guide, direct, tutor, mentor, encourage people, patients, employees, students, studies, tr | |
6. v. to control, monitor, oversee, govern, steer, regulate, supervise, direct an activity, task, organization, operations (in general and medical operations), government authorities, the enforcement of (an | |
7. v. to direct a play, film, etc. |
ketju | |
1. n. chain | |
2. n. necklace | |
3. n. In various ballgames, a line | |
4. n. (Internet) thread (on a bulletin board or a newsgroup). |
laahus | |
1. n. train (of a gown etc.) |
edetä | |
1. v. (intransitive) To advance, proceed, make headway, move/go ahead/forward, make strides, gain ground. | |
Turkin joukot etenevät Pohjois-Irakissa. | |
Turkish troops are advancing in Northern Iraq. | |
2. v. (intransitive) To act, proceed. | |
Olen avuton tietokoneiden kanssa enkä tiedä, miten edetä. | |
I am helpless with computers and I don't know how to proceed. | |
3. v. (intransitive) To progress, make progress, advance, get ahead, get on. | |
Rikostutkinta etenee. | |
The criminal investigation is progressing. | |
4. v. (intransitive) To develop, improve, (become/get) better. |
kulkue | |
1. n. procession (group of people or thing moving along in an orderly manner, especially if doing so slowly and formally) | |
2. n. cortege (ceremonial procession) |
suunnata | |
1. v. | |
2. v. to direct | |
3. v. to target, aim | |
4. v. to head (to move in a specified direction) |
jono | |
1. n. line (straight sequence of people) | |
2. n. queue | |
3. n. (mathematics) sequence | |
4. n. (military) file | |
5. n. range | |
vuorijono = mountain range |
sarja | |
1. n. (mathematics) series | |
2. n. chain, sequence, succession, train (of events) | |
3. n. set (e.g. of tools or items to be collected) | |
4. n. (comic) strip | |
5. n. (sports) division, series, league | |
6. n. (music) suite | |
7. n. (botany) umbella | |
8. n. As a modifier in a compound signifies e.g. serial, automatic. | |
sarjamurhaaja = serial killer | |
sarjatuotanto = serial production | |
sarjatuliase = automatic firearm |
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