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Translations for train and their definitions

     1. v. To educate, school.

     1. n. train (railroad train)

     1. v. To practice, exercise, train, drill, rehearse.

     1. v. To practice (to perform or execute a craft or skill).

     1. v. To teach someone (= partitive) to do something (= active 3rd infinitive in illative, -maan/-mään).
     2. v. To teach someone (= allative) about something (= elative).

     1. v. to steer, pilot, navigate, drive a vehicle (car, ship, airplane, etc.)
     2. v. to direct, guide, conduct, lead, channel a moving object, flowing substance, traffic, etc.
     3. v. to control, regulate a device, appliance, or system
     4. v. to show the way, give directions, show to somewhere, usher, direct, guide, lead
     5. v. to give information to, give instructions to, give directions to, tell someone what to do, counsel, instruct, guide, direct, tutor, mentor, encourage people, patients, employees, students, studies, tr
     6. v. to control, monitor, oversee, govern, steer, regulate, supervise, direct an activity, task, organization, operations (in general and medical operations), government authorities, the enforcement of (an
     7. v. to direct a play, film, etc.

     1. n. chain
     2. n. necklace
     3. n. In various ballgames, a line
     4. n. (Internet) thread (on a bulletin board or a newsgroup).

     1. n. train (of a gown etc.)

     1. v. (intransitive) To advance, proceed, make headway, move/go ahead/forward, make strides, gain ground.
           Turkin joukot etenevät Pohjois-Irakissa.
             Turkish troops are advancing in Northern Iraq.
     2. v. (intransitive) To act, proceed.
           Olen avuton tietokoneiden kanssa enkä tiedä, miten edetä.
             I am helpless with computers and I don't know how to proceed.
     3. v. (intransitive) To progress, make progress, advance, get ahead, get on.
           Rikostutkinta etenee.
             The criminal investigation is progressing.
     4. v. (intransitive) To develop, improve, (become/get) better.

     1. n. procession (group of people or thing moving along in an orderly manner, especially if doing so slowly and formally)
     2. n. cortege (ceremonial procession)

     1. v.
     2. v. to direct
     3. v. to target, aim
     4. v. to head (to move in a specified direction)

     1. n. line (straight sequence of people)
     2. n. queue
     3. n. (mathematics) sequence
     4. n. (military) file
     5. n. range
           vuorijono = mountain range

     1. n. (mathematics) series
     2. n. chain, sequence, succession, train (of events)
     3. n. set (e.g. of tools or items to be collected)
     4. n. (comic) strip
     5. n. (sports) division, series, league
     6. n. (music) suite
     7. n. (botany) umbella
     8. n. As a modifier in a compound signifies e.g. serial, automatic.
           sarjamurhaaja = serial killer
           sarjatuotanto = serial production
           sarjatuliase = automatic firearm

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