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The Finnish word for to turn is

to turn

Translations for to turn and their definitions

     1. n. A round, as a circular or repetitive route.
     2. n. A round, as a serving.
           Tarjoaisitko kierroksen viiniä? = Could you serve a round of wine, please?

     1. v. to rotate, turn, revolve, spin, roll
     2. n. partitive plural form of pyörä

     1. n. turn
           Sinun vuorosi.
             Your turn.
     2. n. shift (change of workers)
     3. n. (transportation) A means of transportation that runs regularly on a given route; no universally applicable English equivalent, connection or scheduled fit for many usages.
           Helsingin ja Oulun välillä lentää kymmeniä vuoroja päivittäin.
             There are dozens of daily scheduled flights between Helsinki and Oulu.

     1. v.
     2. v. to turn
     3. v. ~ ympäri: to tip, turn over, upend
           Kun hän käänsi pullon ympäri nukkuvan siskonsa päällä, korkki pullahti irti.
             When he upended the bottle over his sleeping sister, the lid popped off.
           Kääntyä kyljelle
             Turn to the side/ lie on your side.
     4. v. to translate (from = elative, to = translative or illative)
           Kirja käännettiin englannista suomeen.
             The book was translated from English to Finnish.
     5. v. (grammar) to invert (word order)
     6. v. (computing) to compile
     7. v. (colloquial) to steal

     1. n. A translation
     2. n. A turn
     3. n. (computing) A compilation.

     1. n. A turn, rotation.

     1. v. (intransitive)
     2. v. to change direction, turn, bend, shift
           Käänny seuraavasta risteyksestä vasemmalle.
             Turn (to the) left in the next crossroads.
           Tie kääntyy jyrkästi oikealle.
             The road bends sharply to the right.
           Tuuli on kääntynyt itään.
             The wind has shifted to the East.
     3. v. to change; to take a different turn
           Yhtäkkiä keskustelu kääntyi täysin toisenlaiseksi.
             Suddenly the discussion took a completely different turn.
           Onneni on kääntynyt.
             My luck has changed.
     4. v. to convert; to become a believer in a religion (to change religion)
           Hän kääntyi kristinuskoon. (illative)
             He converted to Christianity.
           Hän kääntyi kristityksi. (translative)
             He became a Christian.

     1. n. A bout, fit; an attack of disease;
     2. n. a seizure. Compare with kouristus(medical).
     3. n. (theater) A scene.

     1. v. (intransitive) To change, alter.
     2. v. (intransitive) To become, grow, turn (into).
     3. v. (intransitive) To vary.

     1. n. bend
     2. n. curve (e.g. in road)
           Hän menee mutkan taakse.
             He is going behind the corner.
           Hän on mutkan takana.
             He is behind the corner.
           Hän tulee mutkan takaa.
             He is coming from behind the corner.
     3. n. (plumbing) elbow (pipe fitting)
     4. n. (slang) rod (gun, pistol).

     1. n. change
     2. n. modification

     1. n. A type, kind (grouping based on shared characteristics).
     2. n. A dude, guy (slang: man).
     3. n. (colloquial) A short form of tyyppihyväksyntä, an official qualification or licence to operate a certain piece of equipment, to fly a certain type of aircraft etc; often used in plural form: tyypit.

     1. v. to lathe
     2. v. to work a job or task

     1. v. (intransitive) To spoil.

     1. n. delivery time

     1. n. act, deed
     2. n. achievement
           Se oli mahtava teko.
     3. n. * It was a great achievement.
     4. n. As modifier in a compound term, signifies artificial, manmade, false, mock, cod, simulated.
           tekohammas = false tooth
           tekolatina = cod Latin
           tekonahka = simulated leather
           tekopyhä = hypocritical
           tekosilkki = artificial silk
           tekotimantti = manmade diamond
     5. n. As modifier in a compound term, refers to a deed, especially in a legal context.
           tekopaikka = the location where an act takes place; crime scene
           tekotapa = way of doing something, method
           tekoväline = any object that is used as the means of committing a crime

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