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The Finnish word for to walk is

to walk

Translations for to walk and their definitions

     1. v. (intransitive) To walk.

     1. n. walk (trip made by walking)
     2. n. walk (distance walked)
     3. n. walk (manner of walking)
     4. n. walking (the act)
     5. n. (athletics) racewalking or speedwalking
     6. n. stroll (leisurely walk)

     1. v. (intransitive) To wander, roam, travel, trek, ramble; to hike.
     2. v. (intransitive) To migrate.

     1. v. To walk (take for a walk).
           Kävelytän koiran joka aamu.
             I walk the dog every morning.
     2. v. To make walk.
           Opettaja kävelytti lapsia sateessa.
             Teacher made the children walk in the rain.

     1. v. To full (to make cloth denser and firmer by soaking, beating and pressing).

     1. v. to leave, go, go away, start, start out, start off, set off, take off, depart, sail
           Hän on jo lähtenyt.
             He has already left.
     2. v. to come from, stem
     3. v. (of a stain, shirt button, fur, hair) to come out, come off, shed, fall out

     1. walkway

     1. v. (intransitive) To behave, conduct oneself, act; (of a machine or tool) to handle.

     1. n. (baseball) A walk.
           antaa vapaataival = to walk

     1. v. (intransitive) To go, walk; to travel.
           kulkea autolla
             to go by car
     2. v. (intransitive) To advance, proceed, make headway, move/go ahead/forward, make strides, gain ground.
           kulkea eteenpäin
             to move forward

     1. v. to walk (a dog etc.)

     1. v. To full, felt, waulk (to make cloth denser and firmer by soaking, beating and pressing).

     1. v. (intransitive) To move, stir.
     2. v. (intransitive) To travel, go.

     1. v.
     2. v. To lead (a child, dog etc.).
     3. v. To walk (to push (a vehicle) alongside oneself as one walks).
           Suojatiellä polkupyörää tulee taluttaa.
             A bicycle must be walked over a crosswalk.
     4. v. To walk (to walk someone with a firm grip).
           Hän oli niin heikko, että hänet piti taluttaa autoon.
             He was so feeble that he had to be walked to the car.

     1. v.
     2. v. to escort, usher, see, accompany, walk
           Saatatko minut kotiin?
             Will you walk me home?
     3. v. ~ ulos: to see off (to accompany someone to a point of departure)
     4. v. to bring, drive (into a situation)
           Olet saattanut minut häpeään.
             You have brought me to shame.
     5. v. (auxiliary) may (do, probably do); (in the conditional mood) might (do, probably do)
     6. v. (auxiliary) to have the impudence/nerve (to do), dare ((to) do), be able to (do).
           Miten sinä saatoit arvostella meitä?
             How dare you criticize us?

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