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Greek Word of the Day




Greek > English
     1. v. read (look at and interpret letters or other information that is written)
           Μην τον ενοχλείς όταν διαβάζει. - Don't bother him when he's reading.
           Στις διακοπές μου, διάβασα τρία μυθιστορήματα. - On my holidays, I read three novels.
     2. v. be able to read, be literate
           Ο παππούς δεν πήγε σχολείο και γι’ αυτό δεν διαβάζει. - Grandad didn't go to school and that's why he can't read.
     3. v. study (review materials already learned in order to make sure one does not forget them)
           Έχω πονοκέφαλο και δε θα διαβάσω απόψε. - I've a headache and won't be studying tonight.
     4. v. coach, instruct (help to study)
           Η αδερφή μου με διαβάζει στη μουσική. - My sister is coaching me in music.
     5. v. read (be able to recognise or interpret)
           Διάβασα την αλήθεια στα μάτια της. - I read the truth in her eyes.
           διαβάζω τις σκέψεις κάποιου - to read someone's thoughts
     6. v. read (speak aloud words, especially during service)
           Ο παπάς διαβάζει τα Ευαγγέλια. - The priest reads the Gospels.
     7. v. bless, exorcize (to confer blessing upon or rid of demons)
           Ήρθε ο παπάς να διαβάσει τον άρρωστο. - The priest came to bless the sick person.

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