The Greek word for car is
Translations for car and their definitions
αυτοκίνητο | |
1. n-n. car, motorcar, automobile | |
2. n-n. (loosely) bus, truck, lorry |
αμάξι | |
1. n-n. (transport) horse carriage, trap | |
2. n-n. (transport) car, automobile |
άμαξα | |
1. n-f. (transport) carriage (wheeled vehicle) | |
2. n-f. (transport) railway carriage (UK), railroad car (US) |
θαλαμίσκος | |
1. n-m. diminutive of θάλαμος (cabin, cage) | |
2. n-m. cabin, compartment (load-carrying component of a lift or elevator) | |
3. n-m. compartment, capsule (payload part of spacecraft) |
βαγόνι | |
1. n-n. carriage, wagon, goods wagon, freight car on a railway. |
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