The Greek word for minute is
Translations for minute and their definitions
μικροσκοπικός | |
1. adj. microscopic, minute |
λεπτό | |
1. adj. accusative masculine singular form of λεπτός | |
2. adj. nominative, accusative and vocative neuter singular form of λεπτός | |
3. n-n. minute (unit of time equal to sixty seconds) | |
Περίμενε δύο λεπτά, παρακαλώ. - two minutes | |
4. n-n. (obsolete, formerly) lepton (hundredth of a drachma, or an ancient coin) | |
5. n-n. (Greece, currently) cent (hundredth of a euro) | |
Τα ρέστα σας είναι σαράντα λεπτά. - Your change is forty cents. |
πρωτοκολλώ | |
1. v. register on the official logbook that keeps records of incoming and outgoing documents | |
Η αίτησή σας πρωτοκολλήθηκε με αριθμό πρωτοκόλλου 145. - Your application has been registered with protocol number 145. |
στιγμή | |
1. n-f. (time) moment, instant, jiffy | |
περιμένετε μια στιγμή - wait a moment | |
2. n-f. (typography) point (unit) | |
3. n-f. (typography, linguistics) full stop |
πρακτικά | |
1. adv. practically | |
2. n. minutes (a written record of a meeting) | |
3. n. nominative, accusative and vocative plural form of πρακτικό |
καταγράφω | |
1. v. register, list | |
2. v. minute (to write minutes) |
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