The Greek word for old is
Translations for old and their definitions
πρώην | |
1. adj. former, ex, onetime, sometime |
παλιός | |
1. adj. old, former, long established, not modern | |
2. adj. (of objects) worn out | |
3. adj. (of people) long established, with long experience (especially in a profession) |
τέως | |
1. adv. previous, former, ex- |
αρχαίος | |
1. adj. ancient, antiquated, antique, from the beginning |
γηραιός | |
1. hoary |
ηλικιωμένος | |
1. n-m. (polite) elderly man, old man | |
Θέσεις για ηλικιωμένους και αναπήρους. - Seats for the elderly and the disabled. | |
2. Participle. (polite) elderly, aged, (usually for people over 70 years old) | |
Ήταν πολύ ηλικιωμένος, υπερήλικας, πάνω από 90. - He was very old, hyper-elderly, over 90. |
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