The Greek word for sick is
Translations for sick and their definitions
άρρωστος | |
1. adj. ill, sick | |
2. adj. sickly | |
3. n-m. a sick man |
αρρωστημένος | |
1. Participle. beyond normal, healthy boundaries, pervert | |
Το αρρωστημένο του μυαλό, η αρρωστημένη του φαντασία, τον οδήγησαν στο έγκλημα. - His sick mind, his sick imagination, led him to the crime. | |
2. Participle. (literal, rare) sick | |
3. Participle. (of plants, fruits) sickly |
νοσηρός | |
1. unhealthy |
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