The Greek word for toilet is
Translations for toilet and their definitions
αποχωρητήριο | |
1. n-n. toilet, lavatory, WC |
αφοδευτήριο | |
1. n-n. WC, water closet, lavatory toilet |
τουαλέτα | |
1. n-f. toilet, lavatory, WC (the fixture and the room) | |
See synonyms at αποχωρητήριο, g=n | |
2. n-f. dressing table | |
3. n-f. toilet, washing yourself | |
4. n-f. very formal woman's dress, usually long |
λεκάνη | |
1. n-f. any large bowl | |
2. n-f. washbasin, handbasin, sink | |
3. n-f. toilet bowl, toilet pan | |
4. n-f. (anatomy) pelvis | |
5. n-f. (geography) basin, catchment (An area of water that drains into a river) |
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