The Greek word for white is
Translations for white and their definitions
άσπρος | |
1. adj. (color) white |
λευκός | |
1. adj. (literary, more formal) white | |
λευκό μάρμαρο, σύννεφο, χαμόγελο - white marble, cloud, smile | |
λευκά δόντια, μαλλιά, σεντόνια, τυριά, κρασιά - white teeth, hair, sheets, cheeses, wines | |
2. adj. (in set phrases) see Expressions and see Λευκός | |
Ο Λευκός Οίκος βρίσκεται στην 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. - The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. | |
3. adj. of animals | |
λευκός καρχαρίας - white shark | |
4. adj. (figuratively) pure, blank, clean | |
λευκό ποινικό μητρώο - a clean criminal record | |
5. adj. see λευκός as noun | |
6. adj. and see λευκό, pos=neuter noun | |
7. n-n. a white person | |
Φυλετικές διακρίσεις των λευκών εναντίον των μαύρων. - Racial discriminations of the white against the black. |
άσπρο | |
1. n-n. white | |
2. adj. accusative masculine singular form of άσπρος | |
3. adj. nominative, accusative and vocative neuter singular form of άσπρος |
λεύκωμα | |
1. n-n. album (for photographs, etc) | |
2. n-n. albumen, egg white | |
3. n-n. protein | |
4. n-n. (medicine) proteinuria (colloquial) |
ασπράδι | |
1. n-n. egg white | |
2. n-n. (colloquial) sclera; the white of the eye |
λευκό | |
1. adj. masculine singular form of λευκός | |
2. adj. nominative, accusative and vocative neuter plural form of λευκός | |
3. n. singular form of λευκός | |
4. n-n. The colour white | |
5. n-n. blank vote, blank ballot | |
Έριξα λευκό. - I cast a blank ballot. |
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