The Hebrew word for to fall is
Translations for to fall and their definitions
נפל | |
1. v. To fall: to be pulled downward by gravity. | |
2. v. To fall: to decline sharply. | |
לאחר הפיגוע במרכז הסחר העולמי, ערכי מניות רבות נפלו בפתאומיות. - After the attack in the World Trade Centre, the values of many stock fell suddenly. | |
3. v. (flowery) qualifier, constructed with מ To be less the someone or something else. | |
הפעילות נפלה מסדר היום לאחר שהתברר כי היא עלולה לסכן חיי אדם. - The activity was dropped from the agenda after it became clear that it may endanger human life. | |
4. v. (computing, and, electronics) To crash, to suddenly or expectedly stop working. | |
בעקבות הפסקת החשמל, מערכת הרמזורים נפלה. - Following a power failure, the traffic lights system stopped working. | |
התוכנה נפלה במהלך ביצוע פעולה גדולה. - The software crashed while executing a big operation. | |
5. v. To occur, to fall (on a certain day of the week, date, or similar); said of an instance of a recurring event such as a holiday or date. | |
יום הכיפורים נופל השנה ביום שבת. - Yom Kippur falls on a Saturday this year. | |
6. v. To fall (into a category or a domain), to come under, to be included. | |
"נדמה לי שהעניין נופל בתחום המומחיות שלך, תוכלי לעזור?" - "It seems to me that the matter falls in the area of your expertise, you could help?". | |
7. v. (slang) qualifier, constructed with ע To happen upon, to stumble upon, to meet someone unexpectedly. | |
הייתי בטוח שהטסט ילך לי בקלות, אבל נפלתי על בוחן מכשיל. - I was sure that the test will go easily, but I fell on a hindering tester. | |
לתדהמתי, נפלתי על נהג מונית שקט ואפילו ביישן. - To my surprise, I happened upon a silent and even shy taxi driver. | |
"תעזבו אותו, מה הוא עשה שנפלתם עליו כולכם?" - Leave him, what did he do that you ... on him all of you? | |
8. v. (by extension of physically falling) To fall, to die especially in battle. | |
9. v. To fall, to suffer defeat, ruin or distraction. | |
10. v. (biblical) To reside, to dwell, to settle. | |
11. v. (biblical) To attack, to start a battle (to apply violent force). | |
12. v. To be captured (in a trap or an ambush, etc.) | |
במלחמת העצמאות נפלו בשבי מגניהם של יישובים אחדים, שנאלצו להיכנע לאויב. - In the War of Independence protectors of some communities were captured, they were forced to surrender to | |
13. v. To be seized by force or stratagem, to be captured, to fall into the hand of others. | |
המוצב נפל לידי האויב. - The outpost fell into enemy hands. | |
14. v. To be decided. | |
ההכרעה בין שני המשתתפים נפלה. - The choice between the two participants was decided. | |
פתאום נפלה עליי עייפות גדולה. - Suddenly great fatigue fell on me. |
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