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The Hindi word for rain is


Translations for rain and their definitions

     1. v. to fall, to fall down, to drop
           बारिश अभी पड़ने लगी। - Rain just began to fall.
           अपने घुटनों पे पड़ना - to fall on one's knees
     2. v. to lie, be strewn about
           खाना दीवारों पे कैसे पड़ा!? - How did food become strewn on the walls!?
           मेरा स्टेशन वहाँ पड़ता है। - My train stop lies over there.
     3. v. to stay, inhabit
     4. v. to be hot or cold (of the weather)
           आजकल बहुत ठंड पड़ रही है। - It's getting really cold these days.
     5. v. to become
           तुम्हारी आवाज़ धीमी क्यों पड़ गई? - Why did your voice become quiet?
     6. v. to occur, happen
           इस शहर में कल खाने की कमी पड़ गई थी। - A food shortage occurred in this city yesterday.
           फ़रक़ पड़ना - to make a difference
     7. v. to befall, happen to
     8. v. to sum, stand (an amount of money)
           दो रुपये का पड़ेगा। - It will cost two rupees.
     9. v. to follow, accost
           ... के पीछे पड़ना - to annoy, follow intently
     10. v. (modal auxiliary) must, will have to
           अब तो आपकी खिचड़ी खानी ही पड़ेगी। - Now I will have to try your khichdi.
     11. v. (compound verb) (to do suddenly, abruptly)
           वह हेलिकॉप्टर से कूद पड़ा। - He suddenly jumped from the helicopter.

     1. n. rain

     1. n. rain
           यद्यपि विशेषकर बरसात नहीं हुई है, तापमान में गिरावट आई है। - Although there has been no rain in particular, the temperature has decreased.
     2. n. the rainy season, particularly the months of Bhadra and Sravana

     1. n. rain
     2. n. rainfall

     1. n. rain

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