The Hindi word for rain is

Translations for rain and their definitions
पड़ना | |
1. v. to fall, to fall down, to drop | |
बारिश अभी पड़ने लगी। - Rain just began to fall. | |
अपने घुटनों पे पड़ना - to fall on one's knees | |
2. v. to lie, be strewn about | |
खाना दीवारों पे कैसे पड़ा!? - How did food become strewn on the walls!? | |
मेरा स्टेशन वहाँ पड़ता है। - My train stop lies over there. | |
3. v. to stay, inhabit | |
4. v. to be hot or cold (of the weather) | |
आजकल बहुत ठंड पड़ रही है। - It's getting really cold these days. | |
5. v. to become | |
तुम्हारी आवाज़ धीमी क्यों पड़ गई? - Why did your voice become quiet? | |
6. v. to occur, happen | |
इस शहर में कल खाने की कमी पड़ गई थी। - A food shortage occurred in this city yesterday. | |
फ़रक़ पड़ना - to make a difference | |
7. v. to befall, happen to | |
8. v. to sum, stand (an amount of money) | |
दो रुपये का पड़ेगा। - It will cost two rupees. | |
9. v. to follow, accost | |
... के पीछे पड़ना - to annoy, follow intently | |
10. v. (modal auxiliary) must, will have to | |
अब तो आपकी खिचड़ी खानी ही पड़ेगी। - Now I will have to try your khichdi. | |
11. v. (compound verb) (to do suddenly, abruptly) | |
वह हेलिकॉप्टर से कूद पड़ा। - He suddenly jumped from the helicopter. |
बारिश | |
1. n. rain |
बरसात | |
1. n. rain | |
यद्यपि विशेषकर बरसात नहीं हुई है, तापमान में गिरावट आई है। - Although there has been no rain in particular, the temperature has decreased. | |
2. n. the rainy season, particularly the months of Bhadra and Sravana |
मेंह | |
1. n. rain | |
2. n. rainfall |
वर्षा | |
1. n. rain |
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