Hungarian Word of the Day
Hungarian > English |
nő |
1. n. woman |
2. n. (with a possessive suffix added to the nő- stem, informal) female partner or lover, mistress, girlfriend |
3. v. to grow (to become larger, increase in magnitude; to develop, mature) |
4. v. to increase (of a quantity, etc.: to become larger or greater) |
©Example Sentences
A nő két férfi között ült. The woman was sitting between two men. - Hogy nézek ki? - Te vagy a legszebb nő a világon. "How do I look?" "You're the most beautiful woman in the world." A "férfi", akit láttál, valójában nő. The "man" that you saw is actually a woman. A férfi és a nő azonos magasságúak. He is as tall as she. A király nem tudta, hogy a nő, akit a karjában tart, nem a saját kedves felesége, hanem egy gonosz boszorkány. The King did not know that the woman he held in his arms was not his own dear wife, but a wicked witch. |
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