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Hungarian Word of the Day




Hungarian > English
     1. n. feather (a branching, hair-like structure that grows on the bodies of birds, used for flight, swimming, protection and display)
     2. n. feather (a feather-like fin or wing on objects, such as an arrow)
     3. n. pen (a tool, originally made from a feather but now usually a small tubular instrument, containing ink used to write or make marks)
     4. n. (figuratively) pen (a writer, or his style)

Example Sentences

A toll, amit Sarahnak adtam, piros volt.
    The pen I gave Sarah was red.
A toll, amit az asztalon láttál, az enyém.
    The pen you saw on the table is mine.
Van egy toll az alma és a könyv között.
    There is a pen between the apple and the book.
A toll, amit Sarah adott nekem, nem kék színű.
    The pen Sarah gave me is not blue.
A toll, amit a padlón láttál, nem az enyém.
    The pen you saw on the floor is not mine.

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