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Translations for bear and their definitions

     1. v. to bear, endure, take

     1. n. bear (mammal)

tart ©
     1. v. ((heading) To force someone or something to remain in place or in position by counteracting another force.)
     2. v.          to hold, keep (with -locative or -lative)
                   Könyvet tart a kezében. - He holds a book in his hand.
     3. v.          to support (keep in the same place, withstanding its weight)
                   A falak tartják a tetőt. - The walls support the roof.
     4. v.          to keep, keep up, preserve, retain (to hold something in the same status or condition, not letting it change or cease)
                   A hűtő hidegen tartja az ételt. - The refrigerator keeps the food cold.
                   Tartja az iramot. - He/she/it keeps up the pace.
     5. v.          to keep (not give up or relinquish)
                   Tudsz titkot tartani? - Can you keep a secret?
     6. v.          to keep back, hold back, hinder, detain, retain (optionally with -locative)
     7. v.          to keep, observe, follow (rule, obligation, custom, tradition, or ritual)
     8. v.          to keep (to remain faithful to a given promise, word, bet or wager)
                   (idiomatic): Tartja a szavát. - He keeps his word. (i.e. a promise)
     9. v.          to keep, maintain, cultivate, foster, harbor, nurse, nurture, cherish (relationship with any acquaintance, familial relations, or bad feelings, grudge
     10. v. ((heading) To provide some person or another being with a place to stay or a way of life, supplying them, or to keep, own something temporarily somewhere.)
     11. v.          to employ, hire, keep, have (someone for regular service)
                   Bejárónőt tart. - S/he employs a daily help.
     12. v.          to keep, raise, farm (a pet or other animal)
                   Kutyát tart. - S/he keeps a dog.
     13. v.          to keep, store (to hold something in the same place; with -locative)
                   A fontos papírokat a fiókban tartom. - I keep the important documents in the drawer.
     14. v. ((heading) To perform an action that takes some time.)
     15. v.          to have, hold, give, conduct, perform (a lecture, performance, presentation, meeting, etc.; on something: -ról)
     16. v.          to take (a break)
                    (coi, szünetet tart, to take a break)
     17. v. ((heading) To believe, deem, consider.)
     18. v.          to find, think, deem, consider, regard something (with -nak)
                   Ezt az ötletet jónak tartom. - I find this idea good.
                   Saját felelősségemnek tartom. - I consider it (as) my own responsibility
     19. v.          to esteem, deem, regard, think highly or poorly of (with -ra)
                   Sokra tartom ezt az embert. - I highly think of this person.
     20. v. ((heading) To go on for a certain time, to extend to a certain limit.)
     21. v.          to last, continue, go on, to be in progress (used with -tól … -ig)
                   Az előadás délig tart. - The lecture goes on until noon. (The lecture ends at noon)
                   Tart még a film a tévében? - Is the film still playing on TV?
     22. v.          to take up space, extend
                   A dugó a Petőfi utcától a Kossuth utcáig tart. - The traffic jam extends from Petőfi Street up to Kossuth Street.
     23. v. ((heading) To be somewhere in a progress or to go somewhere.)
     24. v.          to be at, to have got(ten) to some point (while proceeding, momentarily describing how far a process has gone; used with -locative)
                   A könyv elején tartok. - I am at the beginning of the book.
                   Hol tartasz a munkával? - How far have you got with your work?
     25. v.          to head to some direction, to be bound somewhere (with -lative)
                   Merre tartasz? - Where are you headed?
     26. v.          to join or accompany someone (with -val)
                   Velünk tartasz? - Will you join us?
     27. v.          to converge, have limit at (-hoz or -ba)
                   A sorozat 0-hoz tart. - The sequence converges to 0.
     28. v. ((heading) To be afraid of or sorry about something.)
     29. v.          to fear, to be afraid or apprehensive (of someone or something -tól)
                   Tartok a betörőktől. - I’m afraid of burglars.
     30. v.          to be afraid, to be regretful, to be sorry
                   Attól tartok, nem tudok ebben segíteni önnek/neked. - I am afraid I cannot help you in this matter.
     31. adj. accusative singular of tar

     1. v. to take, carry (optionally, some object for someone: -nak)

     1. v. to carry (repeatedly, regularly, and/or continuously)
           (cot, visz, szállít) (at the moment)
     2. v. to wear (regularly)

     1. v. to endure, to tolerate, to suffer, to bear, to take, to stand

     1. v. to carry (repeatedly or for a longer time or here and there)
     2. v. to bear (the weight of something)

     1. v. to endure, tolerate, bear, put up with, brook
     2. v. to crumple, roll, roll up, tuck in (e.g. the bottom edge of a shirt under the belt of trousers)

     1. v. to stretch, to extend, to lengthen, to prolong
           (middle-voice, nyúlik)
     2. v. to roll out (when baking)
     3. v. to stretch (the muscles or limb, as in exercising)
     4. v. to pass, to hand (to hold an object away from one's body, towards someone so that they can take it)
     5. v. to afford, to provide (an opportunity)
     6. v. to grant, extend, bestow, impart, offer, render (e.g. help)

van ©
     1. v. (copulative) to be
           Boldog vagyok. - I am happy.
     2. v. there to be, to exist
           Van itt valaki? - Is there anybody here?
     3. v. to have; someone (-nak) has something (-a/-e/-ja/-je)
           Péternek van egy kutyája. - Peter has a dog.
     4. v. to be made (out) of something (with -ból)
           Ez az ajtó fából van. - This door is made out of wood.
     5. v. (auxiliary) (adverbial participle) of the main verb to be (indicating the statal passive)
           A lakásom biztosítva van. - My apartment (flat) is (has been) insured.
           A probléma meg van oldva. - The issue is (has been) solved.

     1. n. (diminutive, informal, or jocular) bear, bear cub
     2. n. teddy bear

     1. v. to wear, have on (the object is in accusative case -t)
           Kalapot visel. - He is wearing a hat.
     2. v. to bear, endure, suffer
           Jól viselte a fájdalmat. - He/she endured the pain well.
     3. v. (reflexively, as viseli magát, with definite conjugation, dated, formal) to behave, to handle oneself (well or badly)
           Jól viselte magát? - Did he/she behave well?

     1. v. to do (optionally with -val for the target person or object)
           (pf, megtesz)
           Tedd azt, amit mondok! - Do what I say!
           Ezt nem teheted velem. - You can’t do this to me.
     2. v. to place, to put (with -lative)
     3. v. to make (to cause to be; with the result in -vá)
           (middle-voice, válik)
           (coi, elérhetővé tesz, to make accessible)
     4. v. to see to it, to ensure (followed by the adverb róla)
           Majd teszek róla, hogy meggondolja magát. - I'll see to it that he changes his mind.
     5. v. to (be able to) help it, to be the cause of, to be to blame (potential form with -ról or followed by the adverb róla)
           Nem tehetek róla, hogy beteg vagyok. - I can’t help it if I’m sick.
           Erről az egészről te tehetsz. - You are to blame for all of this.

     1. v. to bring, to carry (optionally, some object for someone: -nak)
           Hoznál nekem egy pohár vizet? - Would you bring me a glass of water?
     2. v. to set someone or something into a state (e.g. motion, excitement)
           (middle-voice, jön)

esik ©
     1. v. to fall
           (active-voice, ejt)
           A kenyér a vajas felére esett. - The slice of bread fell on its buttered side.
     2. v. to rain, to snow
           Esik az eső. - The rain is falling.
           Esik a hó. - The snow is falling.
           Esik még? - Is it still raining/snowing?
     3. v. to fall somewhere, to happen to be at some place or time (of an event on some day of the week or month or the stress on a particular syllable)
           Idén péntekre esik a születésnapom. - My birthday falls on a Friday this year.
     4. v. to go down, to tumble, to drop, drop off, drop away (e.g. price or popularity)
     5. v. to (happen to) be found, to lie, to be situated somewhere
           Távol esik tőlünk a színház. - The theater happens to be a long way away from our place.
     6. v. to fall into or get into a situation (e.g. falling victim to someone or something)
     7. v. to fall or belong within the scope, force, power, or effect of something, to be subject or liable to some regulation or jurisdiction
     8. v. to be affected, to feel in some way (with -nak for the person affected)
           Hogy esne neked, ha…? - How would you like/feel if …?
           Jólesett az ebéd. - approx. The lunch felt/was good.
     9. v. to happen, to come about
           Úgy esett, hogy … - It happened that …
     10. v. to attack, assail (with -nek)

     1. v. to endure, to stand, to bear, to cope with something
           Nem bírja a nehéz munkát. - He can't do hard work.
     2. v. (auxiliary) to be able to do, to manage (to do) something
           Nem bírom megoldani a feladatot. - I am not able to solve the exercise.
     3. v. to be able to handle something (-val)
           Nem bírok ezzel a gyerekkel. - I can't handle this kid.
     4. v. to possess, to own, to bear something (-val)
           Ez nagy jelentőséggel bír. - This bears great significance.
     5. v. to persuade, to induce to do something (-ra)
           Vallomásra bírták. - They got him to confess.
     6. v. to like someone or something
           Nagyon bírom őket! - I like them very much.

     1. v. to lie (to be in a horizontal position)

     1. adj. to be found, obtainable, located

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