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The Hungarian word for to point is

to point

Translations for to point and their definitions

     1. n. mountain
     2. n. point (of pencil, knife), tip (gloss, of finger, tongue, nose)

     1. v. to show something to someone (with -nak)
     2. v. to indicate, signal, read (to present or carry information on him/her/itself)

     1. n. tip, point (the sharp end of a conical object)
     2. n. top (the uppermost part of a tree, or of a tower tapering to a point)
     3. n. (geography) peak, summit (the top of a hill, mountain or range, ending in a point)
     4. n. (figurative) pinnacle, peak, height (the point of greatest achievement or success)
     5. n. record, peak (the highest value reached in a time period)
     6. n. rush hour (the times of the day when traffic jams are commonplace)
     7. n. summit (gathering or assembly of leaders)
     8. n. (geometry) vertex (the common point of the two rays of an angle)
     9. n. (attributive, colloquial) great, fantastic, awesome, the bee’s knees (exceptionally good or impressive)

     1. n. property (attribute or abstract quality associated with an object, individual or concept)

     1. n. essence, substance (the vital and most important part)
     2. n. point (a topic of discussion or debate)
           Nem ez a lényeg. - That's not the point.

     1. n. Alternative form of petty, , dot, spot, fleck, speck.
           (syndiff, petty)

     1. n. (mathematics) decimal comma (comma used as a decimal separator in some countries)

     1. adj. tiny
     2. n. drop
           egy csepp a tengerben - a drop in the bucket
     3. n. bit
           egy cseppet sem - not a bit

     1. n. cardinal point, compass point
     2. n. (geography, rare) climate zone

pont ©
     1. adv. exactly, just, precisely
           Pont ez a lényeg. - That’s exactly the point about it.
           Pont fordítva mondtad. - You’ve said it just the other way round.
           Pont ma beszéltünk erről. - We just talked about that this very day / just today.
     2. n. point, dot (something tiny, as a pinprick; a very small mark)
     3. n. point (a specific location or place, seen as a spatial position)
     4. n. point (a particular moment in an event or occurrence; a juncture)
     5. n. point, section, item (an individual element in a larger whole or a schedule)
     6. n. (law, in a contract) clause, article
     7. n. (law, in an indictment) count
     8. n. (orthography, nocat=y) point, full stop, period (a terminal punctuation mark or a symbol of abbreviation)
     9. n. (typography) dot, point (a diacritical mark or accent mark above or below various letters of the Latin script, as in Ȧ, Ạ, Ḃ, Ḅ, Ċ, or in Semitic languages to indicate vowels, stress, etc.)
     10. n. (typography) point (a unit of measure equal to 1/12 of a pica, or approximately 1/72 of an inch, i.e., 0.3759 mm; exactly 1/72 of an inch in the digital era)
     11. n. (computing) dot (a symbol to separate domain levels such as in a URL or email address)
     12. n. (sports) point (a unit of scoring in a game or competition)
     13. n. (games) pip (one of the spots or symbols on a playing card, domino, die, etc.)
     14. n. (mathematics, sciences) point (a zero-dimensional mathematical object representing a location in one or more dimensions; something considered to have position but no magnitude or direction)
     15. n. (music) point (a dot or mark used to designate certain tones or time; in modern music, placed on the right of a note to prolong its time by one half)
     16. n. (economics) point (a unit used to express differences in prices of stocks and shares)
     17. n. figuratively synonym of szempont, , aspect, respect, area
     18. n. figuratively, with the suffix -ig synonym of mérték extent, degree

     1. n. (mathematics) decimal point (period used to set off the decimal or fractional part of a number)

     1. n. point of view, viewpoint, standpoint
     2. n. point (opinion which adds to the discussion), consideration, factor
     3. n. aspect, regard, respect
     4. n. criterion

     1. Participle. participle of vált, , pres
     2. n. bill of exchange, promissory note
     3. n. (rail transport) points (UK), switch (US)

     1. n. part, piece
     2. n. section, segment, stretch
     3. n. share, portion, allotment
     4. n. (media) episode, installment, part (in a series)

     1. num. a tenth, id=part (one of ten equal parts of a whole)
     2. n. (historical, taxation) tithe

     1. n. target, goal, aim, purpose, objective
     2. n. finish, finish line (marking the end of a race)

     1. n. peninsula (a piece of land projecting into water)

     1. n. character trait (a distinguishing feature of a person)

     1. adj. main, principal, key, chief, cardinal, core, most important
           emelt fővel - with one's head held high
           főbe lő - shoot someone in the head
     2. n. (formal) head(s), person(s), capita (counter for people)
           Ötszáz fő lakik ebben a faluban. - There are 500 persons living in this village.
           egy főre eső/jutó bruttó hazai termék - GDP per capita
     3. n. the main thing
           az a fő, hogy… - the main thing is that…
     4. n. head (leader of a group or an organisation; usually in compounds)
           kormányfő - head of government
           családfő - head of the family, breadwinner
     5. n. head (foremost part; usually in compounds)
           asztalfő - head of table
           hétfő - Monday (first day of the week)
           hídfő - bridgehead
     6. v. to boil, to cook (normally in water, as opposed to oil)
           (cot, sül)
           (active-voice, főz)

     1. n. dot, spot, fleck, speck, jot

     1. n. eye (visual organ in humans and animals)
     2. n. (figurative, in set phrases) eye (sight, look or attention)
     3. n. (figurative) eye (point of view, perspective or opinion)
     4. n. grain (the harvested seed of various cereal crops)
     5. n. grain, speck (tiny particle of sand or dust)
     6. n. an individual item out of a group of similar objects
     7. n.          one piece of any small succulent fruit, especially those that grow in clusters
     8. n.          one piece of something small, round and numerous, such as a bead of pearl, a medicine pill, etc.
     9. n.          (attributive) single, only (not accompanied by anything else, one in number)
     10. n. (knitting) stitch (a single turn of the thread round a needle)

     1. n. cardinal point, compass point
     2. n. (rare) distant or more precisely undefined landscape or region of the Earth

     1. n. point of view, viewpoint, perspective, aspect

     1. n. detail
           (coi, az ördög a részletekben rejlik/​rejtőzik/​lakozik/​lakik/​van/​bújik meg, devil is in the details)
     2. n. installment (a portion of a debt, or sum of money, which is divided into portions that are made payable at different times)
           (coi, részletre, on hire purchase, on an installment plan)

     1. n. intelligence, intellect
     2. n. meaning, sense
           átvitt értelemben - figuratively, in a figurative sense
     3. n. (usually with a third-person possessive suffix) point (a purpose or objective, which makes something meaningful)
           Erről nincs értelme vitatkozni. - There is no point in arguing about this.

     1. n. battery (a device that produces electricity)
     2. n. (chemistry) chemical element
     3. n. element, component, constituent

     1. n. (verbal noun of von): traction, drawing (the act of pulling, literally or figuratively)
     2. n. dash, stroke, mark, line
     3. n. (of face) feature, lineament
     4. n. trait, feature, characteristic, streak (a distinguishing feature of a person)
     5. n. (music) stroke of the bow

     1. n. object, thing
     2. n. topic, subject, matter, theme
     3. n. (education) subject
     4. n. (grammar) object

     1. n. stain, spot, blotch
     2. n. patch
     3. n. blemish

     1. adj. iota, jot (a very small, inconsiderable quantity)
           Az életük egy jottányit sem változott az évek során. - Their life has changed not one iota over the years.

     1. n. reason, argument

     1. n. thought

     1. adj. a grain of something
     2. adj. iota, jot, shred (a very small, inconsiderable quantity)

     1. n. opinion (subjective thought)

     1. n. (verbal noun of állít): placement, placing, setting, standing (of an object, into some place or position)
     2. n. statement

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