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The Hungarian word for to touch is

to touch

Translations for to touch and their definitions

     1. v. to touch
           Ne érintsd a forró tálat! - Don't touch the hot dish!
     2. v. to affect, concern
           A gyilkosság nem pusztán az áldozatot és a gyilkost érinti. - Murder doesn't concern the victim and the murderer alone.

     1. n. (verbal noun of érint): touch (an act of touching)

     1. v. to touch (to make physical contact with)
           Megérintettem a haját. - I touched his/her hair.
     2. v. to touch (to affect emotionally)
           Ez a történet megérinti az embereket. - This story touches people.

     1. n. touch, touching (an act of touching, especially with the hand or finger)
     2. n. touch (the faculty or sense of perception by physical contact)
           (cot, látás, hallás, szaglás, ízlelés)
     3. n. (medicine) palpation (the act of feeling or pushing on various parts of a patient’s body to determine medical condition such as the normality of organs or the presence or absence of tumors, swelling
     4. n. feel, texture (a quality of an object experienced by touch)

     1. v. to touch

     1. v. to touch, to be in contact
     2. v. to associate communicate, meet, socialize (with someone -val)

ér ©
     1. n. (anatomy) blood vessel (artery, vein, or capillary)
     2. n. (botany) vein (a thickened portion of the leaf containing the vascular bundle)
     3. n. brook, streamlet, rill
           (cot, csermely, patak, folyó, folyam)
     4. v. (heading) To reach or extend until a point.
     5. v.          to reach (a place), arrive, get somewhere (-lative)
     6. v.          to touch something (-lative)
                   A fa ága a vízhez ér. - The branch of the tree touches the water.
     7. v.          to reach, stretch, extend as far as something (-ig) (to be long or deep or high enough)
                   A szekrény a falig ér. - The wardrobe extends as far as the wall.
                   A víz a derekamig ér. - The water comes / rises up to my waist.
     8. v.          to hit, strike, afflict someone; meet with, be faced with something (of a disaster or sometimes luck)
                   A szomszédomat baleset érte. - My neighbor had / met with an accident.
     9. v.          to catch someone (to discover unexpectedly; to surprise)
     10. v.         * 1974, Leo Tolstoy (author), László Németh (translator), Anna Karenina Anna Karenina, Bucharest: Kriterion Könyvkiadó (1989), (ISBN, 9732600047), volum
     11. v.         *: Az történt vele ebben a pillanatban, ami az emberrel történni szokott, ha váratlanul igen szégyenletes dolgon érik. Arcát nem tudta a helyzethez szab
     12. v.         *:: There happened to him at that instant what does happen to people when they are unexpectedly caught in something very disgraceful. He did not succeed
     13. v.          to be able to use something (-val) meaningfully, to be of use to someone
                   Mit érek húsz forinttal? - What can I do with twenty forints? What use can twenty forints be to me?
     14. v. (heading) To have some value or validity.
     15. v.          to be worth something
                   Ez a cipő húszezer forintot ér. - This pair of shoes is worth twenty thousand forints.
     16. v.          to count, to be fair (to be legal according to the rules of a game)

     1. n. ability, capacity, aptitude

     1. v. to touch, to move (to affect emotionally)

     1. n. feature, hallmark, characteristic, attribute, trait (a distinguishing feature of a person or thing)

kevés ©
     1. adj. few, little (not as many/much as usual or as expected)
     2. adj. (preceded by egy, with unnouns) a little, some

     1. n. contact (a person one knows)
     2. n. (informal) contact lens

     1. n. technique (a way of accomplishing a task that is not immediately obvious)
     2. n. technology (the organization of knowledge for practical purposes)

     1. v. to start
     2. v. to touch, to move (to affect emotionally)

     1. n. link, connection, relationship

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