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The Hungarian word for to walk is

to walk

Translations for to walk and their definitions

     1. n. walk (a trip made by walking)
           A mindennapi séta jót tesz az egészségnek. - The daily walk is good for health.

jár ©
     1. v. to go, to move between places, whether on foot or by transportation
     2. v.          to walk, to ambulate (to move by alternately setting each foot forward)
     3. v.          to pass by unexpectedly or by chance, to happen to be somewhere
     4. v.          to visit, to have been to (to go to a place and return)
     5. v. to habitually do something, especially when it involves going outside
     6. v.          to attend, to frequent, to go to (to regularly visit a place)
                   A szomszédba jártunk fürödni. - We used to take baths next door.
                   Minden kedden teniszezni járok. - On Tuesdays, I play tennis.
                   Az erdőbe jár tűzifáért. - He gets his firewood from the forest.
                   A férje esténként a kocsmába jár. - Her husband spends his evenings in the pub.
     7. v.          to travel by, to regularly take (to use as a means of transportation)
     8. v.          to go out with, to date (to have a romantic relationship)
     9. v.          to dress in a certain manner, to habitually wear
     10. v.          to go about life in a certain manner, to carry oneself in a certain way
     11. v. to move or to be moved regularly or repetitively
     12. v.          to dance (to perform the steps to)
     13. v.          to perform a repetitive motion (of an object or body part)
     14. v.          to run, to operate, to work (of a mechanical device)
     15. v.          to run, to be in service (of a means of public transportation, to operate on a determined schedule)
     16. v.          to go around (of an object, to pass from person to person)
     17. v.          to go around (of news or gossip, to spread by word of mouth)
     18. v.          to go on in one's mind (to be in one's thoughts persistently)
     19. v. (figurative) to be customary, to usually happen in some way
     20. v.          to regularly arrive to a subscriber
     21. v.          to be owed, deserved or justly expected (of a payment, benefit, reward or punishment)
     22. v.          to be included with (to be free along with the purchase or obtainment of something)
     23. v.          to involve, to bring about, to come with, to mean as a consequence
     24. v.          to be customary, appropriate, right, fair or proper
     25. v. (figurative) to progress, to be at a certain stage
     26. v.          to come to pass, to befall
     27. v.          to be getting, to be around (used to vaguely express the time, date or season)
     28. v.          to be at, to be around (used to express the actual stage of a progress, or a person's age)
     29. v. (figurative) to have something happen to someone
     30. v.          to have something befall someone, typically with a negative outcome
     31. v.          to come out of a situation favorably or unfavorably, to benefit from or be hurt by

megy ©
     1. v. to go, travel (whether on foot or by any vehicle)
           (pf, elmegy)
     2. v. to work, operate, function
     3. v. to happen, turn out
     4. v. to succeed (to turn out successfully)
     5. v. to fit onto or into something (with -ra or -ba)
     6. v. to get into (with -ba)
     7. v. to be on
     8. v. to go with, match (with -hoz)
     9. v. to become (with -nak)
     10. v. to go by, pass by

     1. v. to walk, stroll (to wander on foot; to walk leisurely)
           Sétálunk a parkban. - We are walking in the park.

     1. v. to go on foot, walk, stroll

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