Lexis Rex Inicio

Pasado de tease

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I teasedyo chinché
you teasedtú chinchaste
he teasedél chinchó
she teasedella chinchó
we teasednosotros chinchamos
you teasedvosotros chinchasteis
they teasedellos chincharon
they teasedellas chincharon

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have teasedyo he chinchado
you have teasedtú has chinchado
he has teasedél ha chinchado
she has teasedella ha chinchado
we have teasednosotros hemos chinchado
you have teasedvosotros habéis chinchado
they have teasedellos han chinchado
they have teasedellas han chinchado

Más conjugaciones para to teaseMás verbos

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