Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de banish

to banishdesterrar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I banishyo destierro
you banishtú destierras
he banishesél destierra
she banishesella destierra
we banishnosotros desterramos
you banishvosotros desterráis
they banishellos destierran
they banishellas destierran

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I banishedyo desterré
you banishedtú desterraste
he banishedél desterró
she banishedella desterró
we banishednosotros desterramos
you banishedvosotros desterrasteis
they banishedellos desterraron
they banishedellas desterraron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have banishedyo he desterrado
you have banishedtú has desterrado
he has banishedél ha desterrado
she has banishedella ha desterrado
we have banishednosotros hemos desterrado
you have banishedvosotros habéis desterrado
they have banishedellos han desterrado
they have banishedellas han desterrado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had banishedyo había desterrado
you had banishedtú habías desterrado
he had banishedél había desterrado
she had banishedella había desterrado
we had banishednosotros habíamos desterrado
you had banishedvosotros habíais desterrado
they had banishedellos habían desterrado
they had banishedellas habían desterrado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will banishyo desterraré
you will banishtú desterrarás
he will banishél desterrará
she will banishella desterrará
we will banishnosotros desterraremos
you will banishvosotros desterraréis
they will banishellos desterrarán
they will banishellas desterrarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have banishedyo habré desterrado
you will have banishedtú habrás desterrado
he will have banishedél habrá desterrado
she will have banishedella habrá desterrado
we will have banishednosotros habremos desterrado
you will have banishedvosotros habréis desterrado
they will have banishedellos habrán desterrado
they will have banishedellas habrán desterrado

I would banishyo desterraría
you would banishtú desterrarías
he would banishél desterraría
she would banishella desterraría
we would banishnosotros desterraríamos
you would banishvosotros desterraríais
they would banishellos desterrarían
they would banishellas desterrarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have banishedyo habría desterrado
you would have banishedtú habrías desterrado
he would have banishedél habría desterrado
she would have banishedella habría desterrado
we would have banishednosotros habríamos desterrado
you would have banishedvosotros habríais desterrado
they would have banishedellos habrían desterrado
they would have banishedellas habrían desterrado

Participio presenteAnotado
banishing desterrando

Participio pasadoAnotado
banished desterrado

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