Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de exaggerate

to exaggerateexagerar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I exaggerateyo exagero
you exaggeratetú exageras
he exaggeratesél exagera
she exaggeratesella exagera
we exaggeratenosotros exageramos
you exaggeratevosotros exageráis
they exaggerateellos exageran
they exaggerateellas exageran

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I exaggeratedyo exageré
you exaggeratedtú exageraste
he exaggeratedél exageró
she exaggeratedella exageró
we exaggeratednosotros exageramos
you exaggeratedvosotros exagerasteis
they exaggeratedellos exageraron
they exaggeratedellas exageraron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have exaggeratedyo he exagerado
you have exaggeratedtú has exagerado
he has exaggeratedél ha exagerado
she has exaggeratedella ha exagerado
we have exaggeratednosotros hemos exagerado
you have exaggeratedvosotros habéis exagerado
they have exaggeratedellos han exagerado
they have exaggeratedellas han exagerado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had exaggeratedyo había exagerado
you had exaggeratedtú habías exagerado
he had exaggeratedél había exagerado
she had exaggeratedella había exagerado
we had exaggeratednosotros habíamos exagerado
you had exaggeratedvosotros habíais exagerado
they had exaggeratedellos habían exagerado
they had exaggeratedellas habían exagerado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will exaggerateyo exageraré
you will exaggeratetú exagerarás
he will exaggerateél exagerará
she will exaggerateella exagerará
we will exaggeratenosotros exageraremos
you will exaggeratevosotros exageraréis
they will exaggerateellos exagerarán
they will exaggerateellas exagerarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have exaggeratedyo habré exagerado
you will have exaggeratedtú habrás exagerado
he will have exaggeratedél habrá exagerado
she will have exaggeratedella habrá exagerado
we will have exaggeratednosotros habremos exagerado
you will have exaggeratedvosotros habréis exagerado
they will have exaggeratedellos habrán exagerado
they will have exaggeratedellas habrán exagerado

I would exaggerateyo exageraría
you would exaggeratetú exagerarías
he would exaggerateél exageraría
she would exaggerateella exageraría
we would exaggeratenosotros exageraríamos
you would exaggeratevosotros exageraríais
they would exaggerateellos exagerarían
they would exaggerateellas exagerarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have exaggeratedyo habría exagerado
you would have exaggeratedtú habrías exagerado
he would have exaggeratedél habría exagerado
she would have exaggeratedella habría exagerado
we would have exaggeratednosotros habríamos exagerado
you would have exaggeratedvosotros habríais exagerado
they would have exaggeratedellos habrían exagerado
they would have exaggeratedellas habrían exagerado

Participio presenteAnotado
exaggerating exagerando

Participio pasadoAnotado
exaggerated exagerado

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