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Conjugación de shave

to shaveafeitar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I shaveyo afeito
you shavetú afeitas
he shavesél afeita
she shavesella afeita
we shavenosotros afeitamos
you shavevosotros afeitáis
they shaveellos afeitan
they shaveellas afeitan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I shavedyo afeité
you shavedtú afeitaste
he shavedél afeitó
she shavedella afeitó
we shavednosotros afeitamos
you shavedvosotros afeitasteis
they shavedellos afeitaron
they shavedellas afeitaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have shavenyo he afeitado
you have shaventú has afeitado
he has shavenél ha afeitado
she has shavenella ha afeitado
we have shavennosotros hemos afeitado
you have shavenvosotros habéis afeitado
they have shavenellos han afeitado
they have shavenellas han afeitado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had shavenyo había afeitado
you had shaventú habías afeitado
he had shavenél había afeitado
she had shavenella había afeitado
we had shavennosotros habíamos afeitado
you had shavenvosotros habíais afeitado
they had shavenellos habían afeitado
they had shavenellas habían afeitado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will shaveyo afeitaré
you will shavetú afeitarás
he will shaveél afeitará
she will shaveella afeitará
we will shavenosotros afeitaremos
you will shavevosotros afeitaréis
they will shaveellos afeitarán
they will shaveellas afeitarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have shavenyo habré afeitado
you will have shaventú habrás afeitado
he will have shavenél habrá afeitado
she will have shavenella habrá afeitado
we will have shavennosotros habremos afeitado
you will have shavenvosotros habréis afeitado
they will have shavenellos habrán afeitado
they will have shavenellas habrán afeitado

I would shaveyo afeitaría
you would shavetú afeitarías
he would shaveél afeitaría
she would shaveella afeitaría
we would shavenosotros afeitaríamos
you would shavevosotros afeitaríais
they would shaveellos afeitarían
they would shaveellas afeitarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have shavenyo habría afeitado
you would have shaventú habrías afeitado
he would have shavenél habría afeitado
she would have shavenella habría afeitado
we would have shavennosotros habríamos afeitado
you would have shavenvosotros habríais afeitado
they would have shavenellos habrían afeitado
they would have shavenellas habrían afeitado

Participio presenteAnotado
shaving afeitando

Participio pasadoAnotado
shaven afeitado

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