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Grasso in inglese si dice



     1. adj. fat
     2. adj. fatty, greasy (containing fat)
           Quando mangio della carne, la preferisco grassa. - When I eat meat, I prefer it to be fatty.
     3. adj. (botany, of plants) succulent
     4. adj. (figuratively) rich, abundant
           La cucina di mia madre è molto grassa. - My mother's cuisine is very rich.
     5. adj. (figuratively) useful, advantageous
           Mi ha fatto delle grasse promesse. - He made some advantageous promises.
     6. adj. (figuratively, of a person) well-off, well-to-do
     7. adj. fatty, greasy, unctuous (having a greasy consistence)
           Questa pomata è molto grassa. - This ointment is very greasy.
     8. adj. (by extension, of air) thick
     9. adj. fatty, greasy, unctuous (having a greasy surface)
           Prima di fare la doccia, avevo dei capelli molto grassi. - Before showering, my hair was very greasy.
     10. adj. (figuratively, of a way of speaking) licentious, raunchy, vulgar
           Mio zio è solito raccontare storielle grasse. - My uncle usually tells licentious little stories.
     11. subst. fat (animal tissue)
     12. subst. (by extension) Any greasy substance.
     13. subst. (nautical) The concavity of a sail under the effect of the wind.



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