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Parola avanzata del giorno in inglese



inglese > inglese
     1. subst. Talk, especially meaningless or unimportant talk.
     2. subst. The sound of talking.
     3. subst. The sound made by a magpie.
     4. subst. An intermittent noise, as from vibration.
           Proper brake adjustment will help to reduce the chatter.
     5. subst. In national security, the degree of communication between suspect groups and individuals, used to gauge the degree of expected terrorist activity.
           The NSA is concerned about increased chatter between known terror groups.
     6. v. (intransitive) To talk idly.
           They knitted and chattered the whole time.
     7. v. (intransitive) Of teeth, machinery, etc, to make a noise by rapid collisions.
           He was so cold that his teeth were chattering.
     8. v. To utter sounds which somewhat resemble language, but are inarticulate and indistinct.
     9. subst. one who chats
     10. subst. (Internet) a user of chat rooms

Frasi esempio

They're listening to the radio chatter, to see if it is. 
The butt stars themselves, who ought to be able to see this competition as just another piece of manufactured chatter, have instead bought into it wholesale. 
Whoever interrogates him should just let him chatter away until he confesses without knowing he did so. 

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