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Parola avanzata del giorno in inglese



inglese > italiano
     1. sost. (medicina) igiene
     2. sost. (Est) igiene, pulizia
           personal hygiene - igiene personale
inglese > inglese
     1. subst. The science of health, its promotion and preservation.
     2. subst. Those conditions and practices that promote and preserve health.
           Hygiene is an important consideration in places where food is prepared.
     3. subst. Cleanliness.
           They have poor personal hygiene.
     4. subst. (computing, slang) The property of having an expansion that is guaranteed not to cause the accidental capture of identifiers.



Frasi esempio

We do not think it is fair for the French to come over here with their markets at the moment, because they do not stick to the same hygiene and environmental conditions as we do. 
Impregnating products with chemicals for personal hygiene seems to be all the rage. 

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