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Parola avanzata del giorno in inglese



inglese > italiano
     1. agg. sovraccarico
inglese > inglese
     1. v. to load excessively
     2. v. to provide too much power to a circuit
     3. v. (transitive, object-oriented) to create different functions for the same name, to be used in different contexts
     4. v. (intransitive) to fail due to excessive load
     5. subst. An excessive load.
     6. subst. The damage done, or the outage caused by such a load.
     7. subst. (computing, programming) An overloaded version of a function.

Frasi esempio

Unused to working around another artist's vision, another artist's language, some doubted what they could add to the project, while others felt daunted by the overload of information. 

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